If you humbly speak for what you think to know with intention to inform as you seem then i'm quite willing to take youre word for it. I'm hardly all that informed on evolutions in nuclear science. But i do wonder wether my assertion is right from a different perspective, that is to say that the "flying tic-tac" in all it's weird propperty's regarding how it deals with physics as "seemed to have been observed" don't need to be contingent nessecarily on a "number of unknown advancements" to achieve it rather than 1 key advancement that isn't terrestially known to exist, that being a power plant that allows the vehicle to achieve far greater energy outputs in regards to the mass of its fuel and therefore thrust to weight ratios. If we had the "micro fussion engine" i think we could perhaps design this as a egg shape that has a drill on both ends turning at extreme revolutions and both have similar cutting angles irregardless of that the front drill and back drill turn opposed to eachother to cancel out the movement at it's center engine and control area whereas the drill thread almost connects at both ends so to have it all along the lenght of the vehicle, with that in mind that it needs a little bending axial bending space to be able to do (potential complex) turns. It's like when you push a drill into some material the drill can pull itself into it at a velocity that is greater than that of the user pushing it into it, that pull can be greater according to sheer amount of revolutions, i guess it would only take a certain point of where sheer revolutions would pull it into water even if you shot it at water at high speed, or where it would drill trough air and fly accordingly. I guess the principle could perhaps be tested trough ballistics tests by making a drill like projectile that is launched trough a threaded barrel so that the projectile aquires a high amount of spin, as to test if that increases range or even penetrative potential.