UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

its likely theres a solar system never mind planet for every single person on the planet.what dofus would believe were alone? we live with mans limited knowledge of its own understanding of space and always makes me laugh to hear the explaination of the birth of space when the new teliscope has already pushed back on the calcuklated date of the stars it can see not what it cant.we don't even know when this all started cos were the newbis in existense.we learn by what people agree seems to make sense so if we think it dont maske sense to what weknow by the smart guys then it gets ejected.its funny. the teliscope is still a teliscope and can only see so far froma certain place in space.well see what it shows in 10years whenits deeper into we know whic direction the new teliscope has gone and if theres others gone in diferent directions?
Bloody hell.
I’m glad I don’t have to mark your homework!
I was considering this question whilst watching the NASA feed.

The way Sky News treated it made me think that if anything of significance came out of it it wouldn't make the main bullet points over a fat clown and nonce.

ha.i had to think about that one at the end :)
But space is just so so big, so big to comprehend. Millions of solar systems etc. It's probably likely there is life out there, and it's conceivable that it's life that's more advanced than us.

Of course it's conceivable, it's a common and compelling argument. But it's far from certain. The truth is we just don't know one way or another based on our current body of knowledge.

Think of it in terms of the 'anthropic principle'. I look at this thought experiment.

Imagine that there is a universe, and within that universe the mechanisms are such that intelligent life is exceedingly rare. That amongst the billions of planets and trillions of stars, that the sequence of events needed for life to evolve and become of human-like intelligence is just so infinitesimal and so unlikely that there is only one intelligent civilisation on average every 10-20 billion years. For the sake of argument, imagine that all I just said is true.

In this scenario, that intelligent civilisation would be making all the same rationalisations and reasonings that we are in this thread. They'd be saying, "well look at how big everything is". The ability to enquire about the likeliness of your own existence epistemoligically requires you to exist to make that enquiry. Because otherwise you wouldn't exist to ask the question in the first place. In this hypothetical scenario, they are the 'lucky ones' who got to exist, but they have no way of knowing that. They don't realise they've won a galactic lottery, they assume they must just be one of millions of others. It feels to them much more likely - but the fact is, in this scenario, they are wrong.

In other words the fact of our existence alone says nothing about the likeliness of existence itself. We could be 1 of 100,000,000,000 or we could be 1 of 1. You can't extrapolate trends with a sample size of one.

There is nothing about this universe that is designed to be easy for humans to understand and we are not good at dealing with the very big or the very small. We see the vastness of the universe and we think, surely, the probabilities are in favour of life. But the probability of intelligent life occuring could easily be just as small as the universe is big. Or... it could be just sufficiently small for us to never know one way or the other.

We just don't know.
its likely theres a solar system never mind planet for every single person on the planet.what dofus would believe were alone? we live with mans limited knowledge of its own understanding of space and always makes me laugh to hear the explaination of the birth of space when the new teliscope has already pushed back on the calcuklated date of the stars it can see not what it cant.we don't even know when this all started cos were the newbis in existense.we learn by what people agree seems to make sense so if we think it dont maske sense to what weknow by the smart guys then it gets ejected.its funny. the teliscope is still a teliscope and can only see so far froma certain place in space.well see what it shows in 10years whenits deeper into we know whic direction the new teliscope has gone and if theres others gone in diferent directions?

Is this inspired by Men in Black 1 or the episode of the Simpsons where Lisa creates a civilisation in a petri dish?

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