I came here to share this, Huff Post article on it below:
The absolutely wild thing about these claims is that I shared a series of 4chan posts earlier in this thread that I was basically suggesting was a creative writing exercise by some guy with an active imagination. This whistleblower, who’s credentials check out is basically corroborating that guys series of posts. That is to say he also states there is a UFO recovery program conducted by an organisation that is above the pentagon and the air force. And that this organisation has recovered numerous crafts and bodies.
To be clear, I absolutely am not ready to believe this guy isn’t just another in a long line of supposed ET whistleblowers with some fantastical tales and no tangible evidence… but I do find it peculiar how the stories told by these types seem to be grouping. Maybe they are just inspiring eachother’s narratives? I also don’t understand the motivations of a mid-30s respected intelligence officer with a family and a solid CV coming out to basically dismantle his own career for… what? To sell a few books? Maybe, but it just feels like there must be more to it.