UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

There is something odd going on with this guy, but not so sure it's what he says it is. They seem to be releasing snippets of the interview daily, I guess to draw it out and increase interest.

What we do know is that he did hold a position within the DoD. We also know he is commenting of things he has been told or read, and hasn't actually seen anything himself.

We don't know his motive in coming forward now.

His body language in the first part of the interview has also been analysed and the view is that he doesn't believe , or want to believe, what he is saying.

Would love to believe, but his claims are still far less likely than somebody paying him to do this, or a way to make money and change career, or even just devilment.

But I'll continue to watch, apparently there is more to come.
The new Bob Lazar?
The new Bob Lazar?

Basically yes, but I think two key differences that make it a bit more worth following:
1) There is absolutely no disputing that this Grusch guy was a senior intelligence official. Including heading up a UAP task force for AARO. He fought in Afghanistan, had access to 2000+ special access programmes and he has made briefings for the US president. Whereas, Bob has no real proof that he did what he said he did.
2) This guy is not whistleblowing to the public, he’s whistleblowing specifically to the Capitol. His stated aim is to provide US politicians with a roadmap that will allow them to investigate this for themselves - including providing names and locations of those involved in this alleged enterprise.

Now whenever it’s one guy’s testimony the question should always be, is it more likely that what he says is true or that he is just unhinged, a rogue actor or this is a cynical plot to get himself in the spotlight.

When the conversation is aliens I always default to the latter until the evidence he claims to have is released. But if nothing else, it’s worth seeing what happens next.
Basically yes, but I think two key differences that make it a bit more worth following:
1) There is absolutely no disputing that this Grusch guy was a senior intelligence official. Including heading up a UAP task force for AARO. He fought in Afghanistan, had access to 2000+ special access programmes and he has made briefings for the US president. Whereas, Bob has no real proof that he did what he said he did.
2) This guy is not whistleblowing to the public, he’s whistleblowing specifically to the Capitol. His stated aim is to provide US politicians with a roadmap that will allow them to investigate this for themselves - including providing names and locations of those involved in this alleged enterprise.

Now whenever it’s one guy’s testimony the question should always be, is it more likely that what he says is true or that he is just unhinged, a rogue actor or this is a cynical plot to get himself in the spotlight.

When the conversation is aliens I always default to the latter until the evidence he claims to have is released. But if nothing else, it’s worth seeing what happens next.
does itnot just make bob lazers more belevable.i think its likea jigsaw for me.peaces coming to gethr.
From what I've listened to and read so far, as I understand it he's had to get authorisation from the DOD to release the info. So surely there must be some truth in what he's saying or they would have just said nah? I don't know how it works.

I know he didn't work directly on the projects/organisations but it seems like he headed a task force for the government so surely will have seen documents that are high level and will have pictures etc that can;t just be made up.

if he's lying he loses everything, since he won't ever get another goverment job etc. May sell a few books, but how's that worth all this?

The Aussie? interviewer seems convinced.
Weird it’s not getting much traction this! Seems unless a massive ufo hovers above all the capitals around the world no one gives a fuck
Perhaps most of us just sigh at fucking idiots on the inter webs “whistleblowing” un-corroborated bullshit.
From what I've listened to and read so far, as I understand it he's had to get authorisation from the DOD to release the info. So surely there must be some truth in what he's saying or they would have just said nah? I don't know how it works.

I know he didn't work directly on the projects/organisations but it seems like he headed a task force for the government so surely will have seen documents that are high level and will have pictures etc that can;t just be made up.

if he's lying he loses everything, since he won't ever get another goverment job etc. May sell a few books, but how's that worth all this?

The Aussie? interviewer seems convinced.

Yes he filed a DOPSA request with the Dept of Defence which clears him to talk about these things publicly but in a limited way (he can’t mention specific names, places or provide photographic and documentary evidence that contravenes national security). That process in and of itself is not a verification that anything he says is truthful though and the DoD makes that quite clear. But he is doing everything very by the book in a way that we’ve not really seen anybody else do before.

If he was lying and wanted to publish a book he didn’t need to do any of this, you can’t be charged for talking about fictional things. He could just come out and tell us his tall tale. Of course, he could just be building up his authenticity maybe?

Ross (the reporter) I was sceptical of because he seems quite hyperbolic and bombastic but I looked a bit deeper and turns out he is a highly respected award winning investigative reporter - he’s been on programs like 60 Minutes. Some of his claims are even more interesting, basically that he is talking to a raft of individuals corroborating the story and David is just the tip of the spear. He seems thoroughly convinced.
Perhaps most of us just sigh at fucking idiots on the inter webs “whistleblowing” un-corroborated bullshit.

I would normally be right there with you, but I think that’s a mischaracterisation of what’s going on here. Even though it’s incredibly unlikely to ultimately prove aliens exist, it is at least a noteworthy case study in US governmental processes and group psychology.

The whole reason this is being picked up is not because one guy is telling fun stories. It’s that there are multiple government workers behind him corroborating. He is the highest ranking verified security official to ever go public with anything like this. There are 3-5 others who have been deposed by the senate who have backed his story up under oath. And he is being represented by the former Inspector General of the United States Intelligence. There are going to be Congressional hearings so clearly they aren’t dismissing it as interwebs nonsense.

I’d still rather believe it is some group of people looking for a pay day, or some collective delusion, but we can’t dismiss this as internet weirdos telling stories online. Whether or not you believe it the whole thing is kind of odd and fascinating.
Yes he filed a DOPSA request with the Dept of Defence which clears him to talk about these things publicly but in a limited way (he can’t mention specific names, places or provide photographic and documentary evidence that contravenes national security). That process in and of itself is not a verification that anything he says is truthful though and the DoD makes that quite clear. But he is doing everything very by the book in a way that we’ve not really seen anybody else do before.

If he was lying and wanted to publish a book he didn’t need to do any of this, you can’t be charged for talking about fictional things. He could just come out and tell us his tall tale. Of course, he could just be building up his authenticity maybe?

Ross (the reporter) I was sceptical of because he seems quite hyperbolic and bombastic but I looked a bit deeper and turns out he is a highly respected award winning investigative reporter - he’s been on programs like 60 Minutes. Some of his claims are even more interesting, basically that he is talking to a raft of individuals corroborating the story and David is just the tip of the spear. He seems thoroughly convinced.
Also said what he had to say was quite scary. Not sure why, he didn't elaborate.

All very interesting.

It's like a lot of stuff, sometimes it's not believable but if the same story comes out there's no smoke without fire.
A guy I used to work with is a Dr of space law. I've asked his thoughts on this.

He's one of the cleverest people I will ever meet in my lifetime. He gives talks to the UN and such.
Also said what he had to say was quite scary. Not sure why, he didn't elaborate.

All very interesting.

It's like a lot of stuff, sometimes it's not believable but if the same story comes out there's no smoke without fire.

They are drip feeding the interview which is apparently 7 hours long. Plus he has testified for over 10 hours in Congress. So he clearly has a lot to say.

They released a new clip last night where he claimed we can’t get near this non-human intelligence because it is hostile and people have died trying.

I’ll be honest - I don’t believe it - at least not yet. I have three science degrees so naturally I’m on the side of extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary evidence and all that. That said I can’t look away from this. I have what I’d describe as a kind of morbid curiosity that one day we might see something momentous that totally reshapes the way we see the world. Morbid because I don’t think it will necessarily be a good thing.

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