UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

They are drip feeding the interview which is apparently 7 hours long. Plus he has testified for over 10 hours in Congress. So he clearly has a lot to say.

They released a new clip last night where he claimed we can’t get near this non-human intelligence because it is hostile and people have died trying.

I’ll be honest - I don’t believe it - at least not yet. I have three science degrees so naturally I’m on the side of extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary evidence and all that. That said I can’t look away from this. I have what I’d describe as a kind of morbid curiosity that one day we might see something momentous that totally reshapes the way we see the world. Morbid because I don’t think it will necessarily be a good thing.
Interesting stuff. Not seen that.

I did assume you had some credentials as you seem to know what you're on about and open to the idea instead of just dismissing as bunk.

100 years ago we probably didn't think we would have self driving cars or we would send people to space. We don't know everything so who knows.

I'm of the opinion that there will be intelligent life out there somewhere, and it's quite possible they are way more advanced than we are. I'd love to know either way what we're dealing with or not. I hope we find something in my lifetime.
On this whistle blower, it might be good to have a rummage through this metabunk site (again, the level of detective work by these guys is unreal - but, I guess some make their living from it.

I will say (and it's been mentioned in this link below), claims of decades of reverse engineering has brought us no evidence that I've ever seen.

The world's richest people putting rockets into space (at a huge cost) with the best tech we have.....and they still look like traditional 'human' rockets that crash back to earth. Not that I'm unimpressed btw.

I'm sure the military and associated companies are creating some wild new tech in the background which society may get it's hands on in the coming decades, but the's all a lovely, Hollywood fantasy for me.
On this whistle blower, it might be good to have a rummage through this metabunk site (again, the level of detective work by these guys is unreal - but, I guess some make their living from it.

I will say (and it's been mentioned in this link below), claims of decades of reverse engineering has brought us no evidence that I've ever seen.

The world's richest people putting rockets into space (at a huge cost) with the best tech we have.....and they still look like traditional 'human' rockets that crash back to earth. Not that I'm unimpressed btw.

I'm sure the military and associated companies are creating some wild new tech in the background which society may get it's hands on in the coming decades, but the's all a lovely, Hollywood fantasy for me.
Didn't someone say that so far we're unable to get near it due to it being dangerous. Which would answer the point of why we haven't reverse engineered the tech.
On this whistle blower, it might be good to have a rummage through this metabunk site (again, the level of detective work by these guys is unreal - but, I guess some make their living from it.

I will say (and it's been mentioned in this link below), claims of decades of reverse engineering has brought us no evidence that I've ever seen.

The world's richest people putting rockets into space (at a huge cost) with the best tech we have.....and they still look like traditional 'human' rockets that crash back to earth. Not that I'm unimpressed btw.

I'm sure the military and associated companies are creating some wild new tech in the background which society may get it's hands on in the coming decades, but the's all a lovely, Hollywood fantasy for me.
I picture the scene from Flight of the Navigator where they haven’t got a fucking clue when looking at the spaceship
They released a new clip last night where he claimed we can’t get near this non-human intelligence because it is hostile and people have died trying.

Surely if it was hostile we all wouldn’t be here right now? We’d likely be the hostile ones and they’re just defending themselves. An entity capable of what these allegedly are would be able to wipe us out with ease if they were the aggressors.
Surely if it was hostile we all wouldn’t be here right now? We’d likely be the hostile ones and they’re just defending themselves. An entity capable of what these allegedly are would be able to wipe us out with ease if they were the aggressors.
What if they're like the Predator lot and just view Earth as a safari hunting park and that's why they haven't wiped us out?
Didn't someone say that so far we're unable to get near it due to it being dangerous. Which would answer the point of why we haven't reverse engineered the tech.

His interview said they have reacted with hostility when we’ve tried to intercept them live, but he says we have recovered materials from crash sights which we’ve been trying to reverse engineer. It’s not the materials themselves that are hostile it is the pilots.

I do agree it is a big stretch that we’ve had access to these things for a long time but we have no evidence of advances from reverse engineering. It is one of the main arguments against. Either we’re doing a piss poor job at it, it is still under lock and key or inventions that are common place today have been seeded from this program (nuclear tech, transistors etc.). Or… more likely… we have nothing to reverse engineer.
Surely if it was hostile we all wouldn’t be here right now? We’d likely be the hostile ones and they’re just defending themselves. An entity capable of what these allegedly are would be able to wipe us out with ease if they were the aggressors.

I think the implication from the interview is that they leave us alone until we try to mess with them. They didn’t come across the galaxy to get missiles lobbed at them by some local monkey.

I think if we ever did find extra terrestrials they could easily wipe us out. The only reason they wouldn’t is because:
1) they don’t care to
2) we are a science experiment to them and they’re studying us (zoo hypothesis)
3) they are trying to teach us or help us for some ethical or benevolent reason

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