UEFA FFP investigation - CAS decision to be announced Monday, 13th July 9.30am BST

What do you think will be the outcome of the CAS hearing?

  • Two-year ban upheld

    Votes: 197 13.1%
  • Ban reduced to one year

    Votes: 422 28.2%
  • Ban overturned and City exonerated

    Votes: 815 54.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 65 4.3%

  • Total voters
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You see, I take a totally different view.

What if they do get their way? If they did elimate the strongest contender out there.

Where’s the competition? You need competition for the game to thrive.

UEFA have to act, that tin pot disgraced rag have made it impossible for them not to.
But European football is on its knees, it’s desperately fighting against a World league. Will it want to fight us?

Now come on Marv, turn that frown upside down and have trust in the club. They feel confident this is an opportunity to clear our name. I do too. I think we’ll be cleared of the allegations, weather that’s UEFA covering their arses, UEFA shit scared of the fight or we’ve done nothing wrong. I’m not that arsed.

Yes, they’ll be desperate nutters on line saying we’ve bribed UEFA, or we’ve bought this or that. But who cares.

For my money, if UEFA wanted to take us out, they’d have done it in 2014, it would have been so much easier than now.
We’re too big now. Too strong, too important to advertising revenues. We have star players, thee stellar manager. If we win the thing this year. It will be impossible to ban us.

The time to stop us has passed in my opinion.
They need to embrace us, perhaps paint us as the baddies. Every story needs a baddy.
It’s all about revenues. We are now vital to revenues.

The likes of madrid juventus liverpool Bayern and the scum dont give a shit about having competition they want to be top dogs for ever raking in the million's and even the tv companies dont give shit as long as the history clubs who have trillions of fans keep signing up to there overpriced bias packages!!
David Conn yesterday (Irish Times) has a piece saying the most serious allegation for UEFA is the diguised sponsorship claim that the Sheikh was funding Etihad's sponsorship (and presumably others).
I must admit, I looked only at the wording of the provisions and some short law firm commentaries that are available online, which seemed to me to fit the situation in question. I had no access to more authoritative sources or case law.

In any case, I'm sure they'll be incensed by the media reporting, which implies egregious dishonesty, whether or not the acts they're accused of are criminal.

Of course. The go-to word "cheat" is deliberately used to imply dishonesty and our owners won't take that lying down.
I personally couldn’t give a rats arse if we never played in the CL again but the club and players do. If we end up with any substantial penalty of even a one year ban from European competition then clearly we can expect to see an all-out assault on UEFA & the so-called elite clubs. Our owner could afford to throw a couple of billion at it whereas our opponents can’t.

I’d expect lots of not very favourable information about certain individuals coming into the public domain and I’m certain they won’t find that a pleasurable experience either.
Who are these 12 PL clubs?
Can anyone post a link to the article naming them?

Lots of panicking going on.
David Conn has reported that the CFCB (the UEFA body that runs FFP) we’re unwilling to investigate city, but were pushed into it by other forces within UEFA.
Like any large political body, there are entities within it with different agendas. UEFA is no different.
IMO the outcome will be something along the lines of...
“ UEFA have investigated the claims but have found that they do not raise anything significant over what was already disclosed to UEFA at the time.
Given that City have since improved year on year to a position of financial stability, which is the essence of FFP, no further sanctions will be levied.
There are certain technical accounting issues that City have agreed to regularise in future”
Blah blah.
That’s exactly how I see it too. That, and a huge upsurge in sales of fanny wipes over the last 48 hours.
An uneventful investigation maybe helps all parties in a way.

UEFA are seen to have done something but don’t have enough information to prove city of wrongdoing. And they avoid the financal risk of taking city on in the courts.

City are able to set the record that they are not guilty of any wrong doing (in a strictly legal sense). And avoid taking UEFA to court which they won’t want to do.

Our rivals and detractors will be able to put an asterisk next to all our achievements*

*which personally I couldn’t give a fuck about if we sweep up five trophies this year!

What would be great is once this is settled legally and nothing comes of it, we are then free to hammer DS etc who have libelled us.
Why should we get any punishment if we are innocent ?
For yourself and others thinking we'll get anything from a slap on the wrists to expulsion from all competitions, they have to find us guilty of something first. That's the way it works despite what social media and the main stream media would like you to believe.
Sorry I meant to say "If anything, we'' get a slap on the wrists..."
So without any evidence (DS really don't count) you've decided that we're guilty and have already been sentenced?

I don't know the outcome but we're going to be put through the mill again. Your argument is not with me.
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