Well-Known Member
The legal time limit in the Uk for libel is that you have to start action (even preliminary letters) within 12 months of first publication of the article (online or in print). So we are out of time with Der Spiegel. I don't know the rules in foreign courts though. CFG has been damaged everywhere. Could we sue them in the USA for example? However there would be nothing to stop us suing any UK broadcaster or publisher which has repeated any false allegations within a 12 month period of any CAS ruling. That would include organisations like the Daily Mail, Indpendendent website, Talksport, the BBC, and all the tabloids. All these groups have published or broadcast false stories about City's finances multiple times in recent months. In any civil action they would have to prove that what they had published was true (an impossiblity). They would also struggle with mitigation because to argue the "fair comment" defence you have to prove you published "in good faith" and so many articles have been totally biased and one-sided with not even a single balancing comment from City's side of the story.
David Conn for example is wide open for an action that could finish his career. The Guardian has probably been one of the worst culprits.
If anything Conn, or anyone else wrote, was actionable, it would have been taken down by now.