This is the point. A scoping document is integral to every investigation for a number of reasons one of which is to show that it isn't just a "fishing expedition". The fact that we asked for disclosure of the complete file which UEFA confirmed that they had given to us and then, presumably after we asked why there was no scoping document, UEFA produced one carries implications.
Either a) it was a "mistake" which is interesting because they would have to explain such an omission, hinting at incompetence, b) it was deliberately witheld because they didn't want us to see it or c) it didn't exist at the time we asked for it and was created afterwards. b) is suspicious and c) is fraudulent.
I doubt we'd ever be in a position to prove b) or c) but either way, it doesn't look great for UEFA because the best case scenario is serious ineptitude. It also muddies the waters as regards our duty and/or ability to co-operate with the enquiry.