UEFA Super Cup - Seville (N) | Wed 16th Aug - 20:00 | Pre-Match Thread (pg112)

Match Result Prediction

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I’d be surprised if Sevilla have 10,000 fans there. Fans of Spanish club teams generally don’t travel in large numbers other than for finals and (unlike for us) the Super Cup is no novelty for them as they’ve won the Europa League that many times in the last decade.
I looked at the past winners and (without trying to jinx it) note that Sevilla have lost every one!
19-25 Parthenonos, 117-42, Athens this is where I am seems to be I that Plaka area you mentioned. What’s the transport Fromm there to the stadium like presume it’s handy enough

Sound area there mate, nothing to worry about in terms of your digs. Like clockwork regarding the Metro. You will have the choice of 4 or 5 stations in and around where you are staying, the nearest one to you is 'Fix'. M2 line up to Omonia (don't worry, most of us will use this Metro stop at some point, it's just an area I'd advise against staying in), then change onto the M1 line which runs directly up to the stadium.

If you'd prefer to go direct and avoid Omonia altogether, walk up to the touristy areas of Monistaraki or Theseio where the M1 line also stops at. Any of these journeys should take 20-30 minutes door to door.
Sound area there mate, nothing to worry about in terms of your digs. Like clockwork regarding the Metro. You will have the choice of 4 or 5 stations in and around where you are staying, the nearest one to you is 'Fix'. M2 line up to Omonia (don't worry, most of us will use this Metro stop at some point, it's just an area I'd advise against staying in), then change onto the M1 line which runs directly up to the stadium.

If you'd prefer to go direct and avoid Omonia altogether, walk up to the touristy areas of Monistaraki or Theseio where the M1 line also stops at. Any of these journeys should take 20-30 minutes door to door.
Fair play mate thanks for the info
We are staying in Monastiraki as it is on both Metro lines for the stadium and the airport.

One concern is that the last Metro from the stadium is 12.16 a.m. so it will be a bun fight getting this train, especially if we win and parade the trophy. If it goes to extra time we are knackered.

Hopefully they will put a later train or two on to transport the 20,000 City and Sevilla fans back to the centre, but having experienced the shuttles in Istanbul I doubt UEFA have even considered this. There is nothing on their website.

Leave it with me bud, I will ask some questions and get back to you on this.
Stay away from omonoia square,and the narrow streets around.... Don't mess with anyone who offers anything....

Sound advice. These narrow streets are where a lot of the cheap but nice looking boutique hotels are. Not worth the risk in my opinion, blues. These streets are a lot dodgier than the ones I saw and even stayed in in Istanbul.
Piraeus seems alright to have a day in matchday anyway. The marina bit looks nice. I got a hotel near the ground myself after seeing all the carnage in istanbul.

A few good shops and high streets in Piraeus. The 2 marina areas should be lively on matchday (Pasalimani and Mikrolimano). Stupid pointer here but anyone fancying a dip in the sea, don't do it in these areas or the main port of Piraeus. The water here is minging due to the ships and the police will give you a tough time. Go further up the East coast away from Piraeus if you want sea or beaches.
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