UFO's real or not?

BulgarianPride said:
zangatangring said:
brass neck said:
Something is definitely happening, there is more and more stuff coming out now, more sightings, more semi-official stuff. Has it anything to do with all this stuff? I once saw something that wasn't of this world, I must say I enjoyed the experience, Id like to see it again. The thing that gets me with the UFO stuff is, everyone presumes that if they are coming, then the obvious reason is to kill us. If they are 1000 times more advanced than us, wouldn't it be safe to suggest they have done conflict and war and worked out its shit....

Conflict and war will never cease. Peace can only exist if there is war.

Also, please can you share this experience? If you don't want to promulgate it, just pm me please :).

How can peace only exist if there is war? War is a human trait that is also observed in other animals on earth. We have no idea if intelligent aliens share the same traits as us or as any other animal on these earth.

The universe is incomprehensibly large. It makes little sense for aliens to come here and try to destroy us, unless they are starving for supplies...

No, I disagree. The world is a painting drawn by the artist that is the laws of reality. If the painting were to be drawn again, it would be just as beautiful yet just as ugly. Why? Because it is the same artist. The artist may draw a different picture, but it will always teem with the artist's mannerisms. Even a facade is covered with the fingerprints of the person who built it.

Humans biologically adhere to the laws of reality or more pertinently, the laws of entropy. War is an aspect that life must adhere to. That's why every single living thing will and always will adhere to the laws of reality.

Think about it.Would peace have an identity if there was no war to juxtapose it? Could life exist in a world where there is only peace?

Fat chance.
zangatangring said:
BulgarianPride said:
zangatangring said:
Conflict and war will never cease. Peace can only exist if there is war.

Also, please can you share this experience? If you don't want to promulgate it, just pm me please :).

How can peace only exist if there is war? War is a human trait that is also observed in other animals on earth. We have no idea if intelligent aliens share the same traits as us or as any other animal on these earth.

The universe is incomprehensibly large. It makes little sense for aliens to come here and try to destroy us, unless they are starving for supplies...

No, I disagree. The world is a painting drawn by the artist that is the laws of reality. If the painting were to be drawn again, it would be just as beautiful yet just as ugly. Why? Because it is the same artist. The artist may draw a different picture, but it will always teem with the artist's mannerisms. Even a facade is covered with the fingerprints of the person who built it.

Humans biologically adhere to the laws of reality or more pertinently, the laws of entropy. War is an aspect that life must adhere to. That's why every single living thing will and always will adhere to the laws of reality.

Think about it. Could life exist in a world where there is only peace?

Fat chance.

Of course.

The "artist" is the same, i.e the elementary particles that build everything, however life and its evolution is shaped by its environment. The possibilities in the universe are endless as the "laws of reality" are endless. Currently we only know one "reality" that is the one here. We have no samples of other beings, we know nothing about them. Assuming all life is hostile is as bad as assume all life is friendly.

War has shaped our planet but that is purely due to our evolutionary path which could well be unique ( most likely it is unique)

Peace can exist without war..
hmm UFO's definitely exist (unidentified flying object) so yeah anything you don't recognize in the air is one.

do aliens exist is the next question. yes id say they do, the chances of them not doing are too slim to even consider. obviously nothings certain until there is absolute proof though.

have/are they visiting planet earth? probably not. that would be some pretty nifty technology to get them here, using worm holes is one theory of doing something of the sort. plus there is the small matter of locating our tiny grain of sand in the vast cosmos, which would be difficult.

it's possible but who knows. i'd like to gain access to all the information on the matter from every government in the world, might take a long time to look at lol but may provide something.

now some people on here are trying to determine if they would be hostile or peaceful and the answer to that is we can have no possible idea whatsoever.
BulgarianPride said:
zangatangring said:
BulgarianPride said:
How can peace only exist if there is war? War is a human trait that is also observed in other animals on earth. We have no idea if intelligent aliens share the same traits as us or as any other animal on these earth.

The universe is incomprehensibly large. It makes little sense for aliens to come here and try to destroy us, unless they are starving for supplies...

No, I disagree. The world is a painting drawn by the artist that is the laws of reality. If the painting were to be drawn again, it would be just as beautiful yet just as ugly. Why? Because it is the same artist. The artist may draw a different picture, but it will always teem with the artist's mannerisms. Even a facade is covered with the fingerprints of the person who built it.

Humans biologically adhere to the laws of reality or more pertinently, the laws of entropy. War is an aspect that life must adhere to. That's why every single living thing will and always will adhere to the laws of reality.

Think about it. Could life exist in a world where there is only peace?

Fat chance.

Of course.

The "artist" is the same, i.e the elementary particles that build everything, however life and its evolution is shaped by its environment. The possibilities in the universe are endless as the "laws of reality" are endless. Currently we only know one "reality" that is the one here. We have no samples of other beings, we know nothing about them. Assuming all life is hostile is as bad as assume all life is friendly.

War has shaped our planet but that is purely due to our evolutionary path which could well be unique ( most likely it is unique)

Peace can exist without war..

"however life and its evolution is shaped by its environment."

You must've misunderstood my statement, as this proves my point unequivocally.

In a universe (I.E. the 'environment) that adheres to laws such as "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction", the water the universe contains will always take it's shape, because it's a liquid. For Life to exist as we define it (ya know, reproduction, growth sentiency etc...), it has to be in this universe. Therefore, life will always assume the shape of the universe. This shape was sculpted by the same artist. The laws of reality. Life will always mirror the laws of reality and hence, reflect the laws of entropy (I.E. there's an opposite to every extremity).

It's not a coincidence that every single entity humans have encountered adhere to these truths.<br /><br />-- Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:00 pm --<br /><br />
ban-mcfc said:
now some people on here are trying to determine if they would be hostile or peaceful and the answer to that is we can have no possible idea whatsoever.

They would be both. That's the point I'm making.
zangatangring said:
BulgarianPride said:
zangatangring said:
No, I disagree. The world is a painting drawn by the artist that is the laws of reality. If the painting were to be drawn again, it would be just as beautiful yet just as ugly. Why? Because it is the same artist. The artist may draw a different picture, but it will always teem with the artist's mannerisms. Even a facade is covered with the fingerprints of the person who built it.

Humans biologically adhere to the laws of reality or more pertinently, the laws of entropy. War is an aspect that life must adhere to. That's why every single living thing will and always will adhere to the laws of reality.

Think about it. Could life exist in a world where there is only peace?

Fat chance.

Of course.

The "artist" is the same, i.e the elementary particles that build everything, however life and its evolution is shaped by its environment. The possibilities in the universe are endless as the "laws of reality" are endless. Currently we only know one "reality" that is the one here. We have no samples of other beings, we know nothing about them. Assuming all life is hostile is as bad as assume all life is friendly.

War has shaped our planet but that is purely due to our evolutionary path which could well be unique ( most likely it is unique)

Peace can exist without war..

"however life and its evolution is shaped by its environment."

You must've misunderstood my statement, as this proves my point unequivocally.

In a universe (I.E. the 'environment) that adheres to laws such as "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction", the water the universe contains will always take it's shape, because it's a liquid. For Life to exist as we define it (ya know, reproduction, growth sentiency etc...), it has to be in this universe. Therefore, life will always assume the shape of the universe. This shape was sculpted by the same artist. The laws of reality. Life will always mirror the laws of reality and hence, reflect the laws of entropy (I.E. there's an opposite to every extremity).

It's not a coincidence that every single entity humans have encountered adhere to these truths.

The universe is a liquid?

The environment on earth is unique. You will not find another planet with the exact same environment, thus the chances of intelligent beings thinking and acting like us is very slim. War as far as we know is a unique trait for beings on this earth. Any other assumptions are just that.

Like i said, the environment (planet) the lifeforms evolves shapes it's entire linage. There were trillion and trillion of steps in order for us to get where we are today. Our wars are illogical and based on concepts we've development i.e money, countries and so on, all because of our territorial nature. No "law of reality" governs life. Life is given a few building blocks and it is allowed to shape its self the way it wants, the way it needs, all based on it's environment ( again planet )

I don't know why you've assumed i was talking about another universe...
This thread has reminded me I've not seen Buzzer1 around these parts recently, he started all the best threads with his conspiracy theories.

I mean yeah, I didn't believe any of them but he was still one of the most entertaining posters on here!

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