UFO's real or not?

corky1970 said:
Stuuuuuu said:
buzzer1 said:
We are no doubt the dumbest beings in the universe, even cows are brighter than us all. Disgustin' entities, that is all.

I couldn't agree more. Humans are incredibly arrogant considering how thick and immoral we are.

100percent agree , we as a species are a fucking mare , however i really do think we will evolve somewhat this century , we are becoming more self aware , we realise we no longer need the old ways of leaders and politicians,( i think more governments even in the west will topple with the populations rising up ) i sometimes pray for an invasion by benevolant aliens , just to give us that kick up the arse we so badly need.
I respectfully disagree.
SWP's back said:
corky1970 said:
Stuuuuuu said:
I couldn't agree more. Humans are incredibly arrogant considering how thick and immoral we are.

100percent agree , we as a species are a fucking mare , however i really do think we will evolve somewhat this century , we are becoming more self aware , we realise we no longer need the old ways of leaders and politicians,( i think more governments even in the west will topple with the populations rising up ) i sometimes pray for an invasion by benevolant aliens , just to give us that kick up the arse we so badly need.
I respectfully disagree.

The only thing i disagree with Corky and it's not really a disagreement is that we will indeed see the Politicians and leaders nothing more than fliy's in the ointment, but i would tread carefully with that one as imo again it is a manipulation and meant to happen this way, it is engineered so we as people become completely disenchanted with the politicians etc and wait for it.....Common Purpose will swing into action, it's a really nice little easy on the soul name is'nt it? COMMON PURPOSE, like we all have a "Common Purpose", see the more you say it the more it sounds appealling, Common Purpose. On top of this you will have your endgame, one world govt, one army(already have it now really with NATO),one currency in time(microchipped population). Ah well, gettin' ready for the game now, have a good day y'all, C'MON BLUES FOR FUKS SAKE.
buzzer1 said:
SWP's back said:
corky1970 said:
100percent agree , we as a species are a fucking mare , however i really do think we will evolve somewhat this century , we are becoming more self aware , we realise we no longer need the old ways of leaders and politicians,( i think more governments even in the west will topple with the populations rising up ) i sometimes pray for an invasion by benevolant aliens , just to give us that kick up the arse we so badly need.
I respectfully disagree.

The only thing i disagree with Corky and it's not really a disagreement is that we will indeed see the Politicians and leaders nothing more than fliy's in the ointment, but i would tread carefully with that one as imo again it is a manipulation and meant to happen this way, it is engineered so we as people become completely disenchanted with the politicians etc and wait for it.....Common Purpose will swing into action, it's a really nice little easy on the soul name is'nt it? COMMON PURPOSE, like we all have a "Common Purpose", see the more you say it the more it sounds appealling, Common Purpose. On top of this you will have your endgame, one world govt, one army(already have it now really with NATO),one currency in time(microchipped population). Ah well, gettin' ready for the game now, have a good day y'all, C'MON BLUES FOR FUKS SAKE.
Let's head back to the safer topic of UFO's ;-)
corky1970 said:
SWP's back said:
buzzer1 said:
The only thing i disagree with Corky and it's not really a disagreement is that we will indeed see the Politicians and leaders nothing more than fliy's in the ointment, but i would tread carefully with that one as imo again it is a manipulation and meant to happen this way, it is engineered so we as people become completely disenchanted with the politicians etc and wait for it.....Common Purpose will swing into action, it's a really nice little easy on the soul name is'nt it? COMMON PURPOSE, like we all have a "Common Purpose", see the more you say it the more it sounds appealling, Common Purpose. On top of this you will have your endgame, one world govt, one army(already have it now really with NATO),one currency in time(microchipped population). Ah well, gettin' ready for the game now, have a good day y'all, C'MON BLUES FOR FUKS SAKE.
Let's head back to the safer topic of UFO's ;-)

agreed you fucking financial advising fucktard lanky handsome bicep kissing fit girlfriend shagmaster maggie thatcher loving evil shit
Mr to you.
pominoz said:
didactic said:

Try again or write the video title ;)

fixed :)<br /><br />-- Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:55 am --<br /><br />[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6L8QwUKJMw[/youtube]

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