UK far right trouble July/August 24

I'm trying mate. Contrary to how I might come across on here as a bit dower and sceptical, I do genuinely like my country. I think the vast majority of people are good, mild-mannered folk who are trying to get through life the same as me. I even kind of like the shit weather, I can't handle 25C+.

But it is getting increasingly difficult to make the case to her, when 4 million+ people vote for Reform and then people start rioting over immigration and bricking mosques. It tends to send a certain message out, and immigrant families are listening and receiving that message loud and clear.

There was a post a few pages back of somebody getting punched by a rioter while walking down the street just because they weren't white. I don't want that to be my child one day. That's slightly hyperbolic, as I still think at the moment that kind of behaviour is thankfully rare. But it is getting more common, and having kids forces you to think 5-10-15 years into the future about what their world might look like.

I think we have a lot of reasons still to stay, we both want to give back to a country that has given a lot to us. I just need to hope these fucking idiots stop making what should be an easy decision unnecessarily difficult.
I think every country has a similar proportion of not rights. Just need to avoid countries where they have undue influence and this country has taken a step in the right direction by getting rid of the current incarnation of the Tories who had modelled themselves on UKIP from the point Johnson became prominent. The wrong uns causing havoc at the moment will be back in their box in no time.
Wasn't it Clive of India who sent a one-word punning telegram to the Colonial Office to say "Peccavi"?

("I have sinned" for them what didn't do Latin.)

Er… if he did, it was very clever of him. The telegraph was invented in the late 1830s, and didn't go into general use till the early 1840s. Clive: 1725-1774. What I do know is that when parliament wanted to impeach him for corruption (he came back from India with a fortune), he said that he was astonished by his own moderation in holding back from pocketing funds illegally.
It's sad that all this has prompted my wife (who is black) to start a serious discussion with me about where we choose to raise the child we're looking at having in the next few years.

To be clear, I don't want to leave the UK - not yet at least (not while City are good) - but I can totally understand why what she's seeing makes her nervous. She's a doctor in the NHS, she was a Samaritans volunteer too. This is the indirect impact of a lot of the rhetoric we're seeing, immigrants who are net contributors start to question whether they really feel welcome. And the ones who are well-educated and highly skilled also tend to have far more mobility to just leave and go somewhere else.

The issue I have with going somewhere else is that it isn't clear to me there are a lot of obviously better options out there. The UK is far from perfect, but its situation isn't unique.
If I was going to give you some objective advice, if feasible, it would be to move out of one of the three most racist counties (along with Kent and Lincolnshire) in the country.

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