UK far right trouble July/August 24

If Karma is real it should be delivering hell to certain cowardly shit stirring cockroaches.
These people never seem to suffer for their evil deeds. They're there year after year inciting and coining it

And that is not right
They shouldn't need to track him down. He was in full view of the police with a deadly weapon in his hand, action should have been taken there and then
One minute they're complaining that the police were nowhere to be seen when the Muslims were misbehaving, then they complain that the police who weren't there should have taken action there and then.

I wish some would accept that "two-tier policing" is just another bit of disinformation.
Should be paid like student loans. Automatic deduction of 9% from any wages he ever gets until he's paid it back with interest.
And they should take a page from the American student loan system and mandate that the outstanding principle always remains at least £1 higher than the original total fine, no matter how many normal payments are made.
My daughter is playing a football match in Rotherham tonight. I might not be able to support her. I'm of mixed race and have dark skin. Never thought I'd say this but luckily she and her Mum don't.
This is not right and like others have said I can only apologise. This is not the country I recognise at present. :-(

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