UK far right trouble July/August 24

If widespread protests are planned over the weekend-there is a risk the police may not be able to police this game.
Even if they could go ahead with police numbers, it would surely be tight? cancelling it would rile up a lot of people in the police/gov's cause....
The amount of appeasement and cluelessness here is shocking.
The answer is simple - apply the rule of law across the land - on EVERYONE regardless what color, background they are or identify or want to be or dreamt to be lol...
You have laws - don't you? Apply them!
It gets to be a slippery slope when you are selective in applying the rule of law - seen it first hand having been born and raised in the Middle East The naivety of the West will lead to its destruction.
Come on Macker, fess up, you wanted an early dart so you got your mate to phone the dibble. Us on Bluemoon aren't daft you know.
To be fair though, about half of our nearly 100 staff are Asian so it was a good thing.
I work with a Romanian woman. She's scared shitless as she knows that where she lives (predominantly a Muslim/Romanian area near a Mosque) could be a target. She says she feels safer at work.
She also said though that Romanians "don't have a good rep. And for good reason"
To be fair though, about half of our nearly 100 staff are Asian so it was a good thing.
I work with a Romanian woman. She's scared shitless as she knows that where she lives (predominantly a Muslim/Romanian area near a Mosque) could be a target. She says she feels safer at work.
She also said though that Romanians "don't have a good rep. And for good reason"
I have a funny feeling any right wing dicks going to Oldham wouldn't last longer than ten minutes.
Even if they could go ahead with police numbers, it would surely be tight? cancelling it would rile up a lot of people in the police/gov's cause....
of course, its still more likely to ahead than note-but I'd say there was a real risk-depending on tonight and intel for the weekend..

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