UK far right trouble July/August 24

There's a production of Fiddler On The Roof at Regent's Park Open Air Theatre. That's a play about a community subject to constant intimidation by people who just hate them for what they are. And a bunch of the 'Free Palestine' cunts just happened to turn up at the café by the theatre, where mostly Jewish theatre-goers were having a pre-show drink, and tried to intimidate them.

They don't do irony, a bit like the 'LGBTQ+ for Palestine' group, who'd be thrown off a roof, if they did live there.
Saw that, purely coincidental, honest!
There's a production of Fiddler On The Roof at Regent's Park Open Air Theatre. That's a play about a community subject to constant intimidation by people who just hate them for what they are. And a bunch of the 'Free Palestine' cunts just happened to turn up at the café by the theatre, where mostly Jewish theatre-goers were having a pre-show drink, and tried to intimidate them.

They don't do irony, a bit like the 'LGBTQ+ for Palestine' group, who'd be thrown off a roof, if they did live there.
The “Gays for Gaza” is my personal favourite.
Just shows the power of social media. I live in Warrington and there were all sorts of rumours flying around. Sounds like they were complete bullshit. Hopefully today is a bit of a turning point. Very tough jail sentences, some remanded in custody when pleaded not guilty and now many people turning out on the other side.
Just shows the power of social media. I live in Warrington and there were all sorts of rumours flying around. Sounds like they were complete bullshit. Hopefully today is a bit of a turning point. Very tough jail sentences, some remanded in custody when pleaded not guilty and now many people turning out on the other side.
It seems like the police, media and a lot of people believe anything posted on social media. Someone has posted a bunch of fake protest locations.

Hopefully they will start to die down now.
Anyway, enough about Israel/Palestine.

I've been looking at the Terrorism Act 2000 and here's what it says:

The Terrorism Act 2000 defines terrorism, both in and outside of the UK, as the use or threat of one or more of the actions listed below, and where they are designed to influence the government, or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public. The use or threat must also be for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.

The specific actions included are:

  • serious violence against a person;
  • serious damage to property;
  • endangering a person's life (other than that of the person committing the action);
  • creating a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public; and
  • action designed to seriously interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system.
The use or threat of action, as set out above, which involves the use of firearms or explosives is terrorism regardless of whether or not the action is designed to influence the government or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public or a section of the public.

Action includes action outside the United Kingdom.

It is important to note that in order to be convicted of a terrorism offence a person doesn't actually have to commit what could be considered a terrorist attack. Planning, assisting and even collecting information on how to commit terrorist acts are all crimes under British terrorism legislation.

Seems like it fits the bill.

  • Advancing a political or religious cause
  • Designed to influence the government and/or intimidate the public
  • Serious damage to property and creating a serious risk to a section of the public
There's something about incitement and encouragement of terrorism in there as well (Musk, Yaxley-Lennon, the editor of The Mail, and many others). Just imagine asking the US Justice Department for Musk's extradition on the grounds of encouragement of terrorism.

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