UK far right trouble July/August 24

I think 31 months is too much. Obviously she shouldn’t have done it, but people like huw Edward’s - a peadophile gets a six month suspended sentence.

Similar to the just stop oil protesters getting years for a zoom call. Some of these sentences don’t make much sense to me, when violent criminals have gotten less.

Got to think of the outreach of what cunts like her do - her inciting posts reached 300,000 people and has serious repercussions.

What huw Edwards did was sick and wrong but he’s not enciting and encouraging hundreds of thousands of others to do the same.
Bluehammer - are you mad? 100s of paedophilic pictures created for the sick individuals - you think the need and want of those disgusting types doesn't drive the desire to create more content and destroy the innocent children's lives? Her tweet made no-one burn down a hotel, it was a knee jerk reaction to a terrible event that she should be able to apologise for, not do time in gaol for hurty words. Huw Edwards and his like should take a quick stop on a short rope.
Bluehammer - are you mad? 100s of paedophilic pictures created for the sick individuals - you think the need and want of those disgusting types doesn't drive the desire to create more content and destroy the innocent children's lives? Her tweet made no-one burn down a hotel, it was a knee jerk reaction to a terrible event that she should be able to apologise for, not do time in gaol for hurty words. Huw Edwards and his like should take a quick stop on a short rope.
They both should do time but, and I have no understanding why, Edwards isn't
Bluehammer - are you mad? 100s of paedophilic pictures created for the sick individuals - you think the need and want of those disgusting types doesn't drive the desire to create more content and destroy the innocent children's lives? Her tweet made no-one burn down a hotel, it was a knee jerk reaction to a terrible event that she should be able to apologise for, not do time in gaol for hurty words. Huw Edwards and his like should take a quick stop on a short rope.
Her tweet was viewed over 300,000 times and was an incitement to riot and cause mass murder. When you put shit like that out in the public domain then you're asking to be prosecuted. How do you know nobody tried to act on it? And even if nobody did, that's not the point. There were riots in Southport on the very same day that she tweeted it which spread around the country, Any **** fanning the flames in that situation is always going to be facing a much tougher punishment than if they tweeted it randomly a month before. Witness the sentences handed out during the 2011 riots for evidence of that, such as the Portuguese bloke who got sent down for 16 months for taking one lick of an ice cream that he stole from a shop in Manchester. If he'd done it at any other time then he'd have gotten a slap on the wrist.

Fuck her and fuck all who sail in her. I'd even say that she got off quite lightly given the situation at the time. As for Huw Edwards, he's a **** too of course and in an ideal world he should be doing time. However, that doesn't negate the fact that this despicable racist deserves to go down as well.

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