UK far right trouble July/August 24

Be like Northern Ireland in a few more years
No it won’t.
It’s a criminal minority getting involved in this and they’ll soon realise that once they’re caught on camera they will eventually get arrested, charged and convicted. The more we see of the police kicking doors in and arresting them the less we’ll see it happen. It will fizzle out in a few days.
This disorder and violence driven by racist thugs is unacceptable, but it is about time a British gov got a grip. Immigration needs to be properly managed. Starmer’s Stop the Boats is pathetic: he’ll spend a little in the countries from which it is coming and stop the boats that way,he says. No, he won’t.
If people find their local services stretched by immigration, they will be tempted to “protest.” A typical Brit problem; govs do nothing for years and then wonder why there is disorder. It will take a lot of sorting now.
You’ve taken it hook, line and sinker pal.
I'm confused.

I merely asked a question.

I just am curious about the facts.

I didn't accuse you of anything.

Sorry to see you go, I guess.

Maybe someone else can help me.

I can give it a go.

The two things you mentioned aren’t really linked in the strongest sense. “illegal immigration” is the cover story but in reality what we’re seeing is that a lot of these rioters are just feral cunts looking for an excuse to be feral cunts.
Grooming gangs of any persuasion are absolute scum and all deserve everything they get. My issue is that almost everyone that brings that up, invariably never gave (or gives) the first shit about those girls, which is why they’re ripe for grooming in the first place…..

That’s so true everyone, including the council and the police, thought those kids were ‘slags’ and had made a ‘lifestyle choice’.

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