UK far right trouble July/August 24

Anyone on benefits who arrested get them stopped and not while in prison when they come out as well, if they don’t go to prison community service dressed in pink in the towns they’ve messed up picking litter and painting, on a Saturday when everyone can laugh at them, also if no room in prison under curfew by tag in their houses with drug test. Non of this will happen though because we are soft cunts.
Where else could we go that's less racist, though?

South America, not a chance. Asia's caste systems are horrendous. Australia's as bad as we are. United States, absolutely fucking not. Northern Africa, probably not great. Southern Africa, nope. So, erm, Canada? Sweden? Denmark? Slim pickings.
South America is definitely less racist than the UK
2 Questions yes or no answers.
1 Did Cooper claim the hotel was set on fire?
2 Was the hotel on fire?
Oh for fucks sake! Out of all the things happening recently and that upsets you the most? And nobody would retaliate anyway. Stop bullshitting.
Your post is predicated on the notion that this is just about the economic power these people yield. Their reach and influence extends beyond that.
Well yes, but taxation policy tends to be about economic power! I could expand it to include my thoughts on becoming a Federal republic and outlawing titles, the aristocracy, BE medals etc. That might clip their wings a bit.
PS I’m deadly serious.
The missus is supposed to be in Clacton tomorrow. Really not liking that idea at all the way things are right now - she’s a prime target for these cunts. Eight people arrested down the road in Southend in the last 24 hours because of disorder, some wielding machetes. The whole thing is very worrying.
Only seen videos of that incident in Southend but it seemed to be related to London gangs rather than anything EDL-related, and those responsible are at least off the streets. Can understand the concern, though. I'll admit I'm anxious for it to die down. My fiancée's not a practising Muslim and doesn't cover, plus her family history is India and Malaysia rather than Pakistan or West Africa so she's less of a "target" - we went into Manchester today and had no troubles at all. But I am eager for the football to start again so that every Saturday and Sunday isn't taken up with images of the rebirth of the National Front.
Lived, worked, studied, and had a son in this country. 12 years now, soon to be 13. Made a decision to leave due to the overall state of the housing market, support for pregnancy, state of education a couple of months ago.

My decision is looking better and better every day. Leaving day cannot come soon enough. I sincerely don’t recognise the country anymore. I’m stunned every day, I’m saddened every day, I’m disgusted every day. The f*ck has happened to this country?
14 years of the Tories radicalising the under class.
Anyone on benefits who arrested get them stopped and not while in prison when they come out as well, if they don’t go to prison community service dressed in pink in the towns they’ve messed up picking litter and painting, on a Saturday when everyone can laugh at them, also if no room in prison under curfew by tag in their houses with drug test. Non of this will happen though because we are soft cunts.
They won't be on benefits. All the benefits go to immigrants, remember?
Anyone on benefits who arrested get them stopped and not while in prison when they come out as well, if they don’t go to prison community service dressed in pink in the towns they’ve messed up picking litter and painting, on a Saturday when everyone can laugh at them, also if no room in prison under curfew by tag in their houses with drug test. Non of this will happen though because we are soft cunts.
Just hang them, it’ll be cheaper.

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