hilts said:
UKIP do have some interesting policies and giving the status quo a good kicking is a very good thing, the problem they have is all the members i have seen seem to be brain dead fuckwits, Farage needs to surround himself with brighter people
The irony is that UKIP a is made up of the most status quo of the status quo, the group responsible for the start of many absolute fuck ups under thatcher. Now they abandon their party and pretend they are outsiders fighting against the establishment they were part of. Goebells couldn't make it up better but you get what you vote for. Lucky Scotland voted no for the future safety of Britain!
Then again I think that the EU which was established to stop another world war and to bring peace and prosperity has actually been an amazing success and helped bring incredible wealth and unprecedented peace to Europe.
But if trying to recreate a mystical golden age back in the 50's and if blaming foreigners is easier than uncovering the real issues is what you want then fair enough!
Society has one real problem and that is a system designed around people working from 18-65 paying tax and then dying at about 70 whereas people aspire to work from 23 to 60 and expect to live to 90+ it is a major major issue and as far as I can see not something that nasty foreigners are to blame for