UK's first active male professional footballer to come out publicly as gay

For sure it's literally nobody else's business when someone chooses to come out. But it's important that everyone who wants to (or simply wants to get on with their life and their job quietly without their sexuality being weaponised against them) has space to do so safely and without fear of being marginalised. I think we also forget that a lot of promising young athletes quit sport all together when they realise they're gay. I'd like to think that seeing Jake Daniels having the confidence to be himself will encourage other young players to stay in the game too.

In the days of social media it's everyone's business or so it seems, coming out wont stop the world from turning and someone somewhere will make this a bigger issue than it should be.

I hope I am wrong but I suspect this is just the start of a long drawn out finger pointing exercise that nobody benefits from. Good luck again to the young man and apologies in advance from the social media commentators who just couldn't care less.
You should listen to Justin Fashnu’s daughter, she’s actively challenging gay players to come out, it’s fuck all to do with her. It’s an individual’s choice, I like to look at it a bit like someone who’s vegetarian, it has no bias for me, I’m really not interested in their private lives.

No one should listen to Amal Fashanu.
Good lad. Im indifferent to it, i dont care, it matters not a jot. Always felt that if any of my kids came out id be , “ok , great, what for tea?”.

cant help who you fall in love with and no one should ever be repressed.

im happy that the lad can now be himself, as everyone should
You can wonder why in this moment of time it is ‘big’ news that a man clarifies he loves men. His profession should not matter one bit. Yet still it does. Apparently.
Fair play to the lad. Be who you are, not what anyone else wants you to be.
I heard a quote once and can’t remember who said it but it’s spot on, paraphrase:

“if you can’t be yourself you make a terrible version of someone else”
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You should listen to Justin Fashnu’s daughter, she’s actively challenging gay players to come out, it’s fuck all to do with her. It’s an individual’s choice, I like to look at it a bit like someone who’s vegetarian, it has no bias for me, I’m really not interested in their private lives.

*Niece. John's daughter.

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