United 2016/17

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"Now more than ever, Atleti"

Just for those that don't know why we're pissing ourselves in here!
It is like a work of art, i like to think i am inventive but i could not make this shit up after an ounce of the most head spacing out weed available. Since it is a quiet day i may do as you did and read some of the funny 'it's nailed on' type posts haha.

On the financial bit, lets say they get 600m a year, can @Prestwich_Blue or @aguero93:20 or other accountants spell it out for me what happens to that in laymans terms please?
I ask because i have felt for a while utd do not have the buying power they make out. Pogba was a brand face saving purchase and kept them relevant i.e. necessary. I get the distinct feeling of a duck looking serene whilst the legs are going like the proverbial clappers just to stay still. As @calum down's funny pic showed Woodward did state they have that power, i question if that is true basically. Can they for example live with Chelsea,PSG,Both Madrids, Barca, Bayern and ourselves in any realistic sense for the top players. I have seen no evidence for that yet as nobody else was really after Pogba and they still got rinsed on this one occasion where they did splash the cash.

Their appeal has been dropped like rock in an ocean so they only have cash really and cl this season i'll give them that much.
that's certainly how it feels to me, blue.

every penny they spend on transfers & wages comes out of the pot.
a pot that the owners would rather be dipping more into themselves,
but each summer they must be seen to make a statement to keep up the brand that feeds 'em.

the only reason the rags exist in their current form is to fund the lifestyles of cashcow milkers.
starting with the owners & their dodgy fucking offshoreness,
working down through edwoodwoodwood & his lickspittles,
right down to the players themselves.

to a man they are sucking far more than their worth out of the scum.
they are all in cahoots.
they know it is a runaway train.

not one of 'em from top to bottom give a shit about manchester fucking united.

long may it continue.
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