United game postponed due to bomb scare


Seems the "bomb" wasn't labeled quite as clearly as he made out in his interview. He just strikes me as being ridiculously unprofessional. He's clearly identified a need to indicate that it's not a real device and then does such a piss poor job at carrying it out. Can't be arsed to spell out "Training" properly or even the name of his own company, and then follows that up with a barely legible phone number that even if it could be read, only a complete moron would call. He'd fit right in at Old Trafford, the bunch of fucking amateurs.

The sniffer dogs must be good if they can read that scrawl.
Thing with a phone number is it could be the trigger.
That's what I meant by saying you'd have to be a moron to ring it, which you'd think a so-called "counter-terrorism expert" would realise.

The most important information is the name of his company and the fact that it's a fake device, neither of which are clear from that label. Proper amateur town stuff.

Seems the "bomb" wasn't labeled quite as clearly as he made out in his interview. He just strikes me as being ridiculously unprofessional. He's clearly identified a need to indicate that it's not a real device and then does such a piss poor job at carrying it out. Can't be arsed to spell out "Training" properly or even the name of his own company, and then follows that up with a barely legible phone number that even if it could be read, only a complete moron would call. He'd fit right in at Old Trafford, the bunch of fucking amateurs.
That's like something out of a Mitchell and Webb sketch.

Even if one accepts that the security company are wholly culpable (and I most certainly don't) the club has to bear responsibility for hiring them, just as a nightclub bears responsibility (and has to deal with the consequences) if they hire a door security company that isn't fit for purpose. The buck has to stop with the business owner. I'd love to see the risk assessments that united carried out when appointing these cowboys to oversee the security and safety of 75,000 souls. I wonder if they asked the MD if he could count?
Ed Woodward says the devices couldn't be detected on the Match Day sweep as they didn't contain explosives so dogs couldn't locate them.

So what was the purpose of the training day with the dogs. ?

How many people were involved .
Were dogs involved.
Was it a random search of the whole ground looking for the 14 devices. If so that could have took ages to complete.
Did they have the locations and just walk to them with the dogs and retrieve them.
If 3 people were involved in the search then say two of them had a list of five devices each and the other had four to find, then surely one of them returning would have been one short and error identified.

Or am I missing something here.
Ed Woodward says the devices couldn't be detected on the Match Day sweep as they didn't contain explosives so dogs couldn't locate them.

So what was the purpose of the training day with the dogs. ?

How many people were involved .
Were dogs involved.
Was it a random search of the whole ground looking for the 14 devices. If so that could have took ages to complete.
Did they have the locations and just walk to them with the dogs and retrieve them.
If 3 people were involved in the search then say two of them had a list of five devices each and the other had four to find, then surely one of them returning would have been one short and error identified.

Or am I missing something here.

Yes the whole cover up
The good news is that MUFC have kindly offered to share their security knowledge with other stadium operators!!!!
That's like something out of a Mitchell and Webb sketch.

Even if one accepts that the security company are wholly culpable (and I most certainly don't) the club has to bear responsibility for hiring them, just as a nightclub bears responsibility (and has to deal with the consequences) if they hire a door security company that isn't fit for purpose. The buck has to stop with the business owner. I'd love to see the risk assessments that united carried out when appointing these cowboys to oversee the security and safety of 75,000 souls. I wonder if they asked the MD if he could count?
United have a contract with Deacons Canines, which in turn hired this clown as a sub-contractor for a training exercise designed for their dog handlers. But you're right, the buck still stops with united. They should be vetting (no pun intended) and monitoring the sub-contractors that are used on their property.
Ed Woodward says the devices couldn't be detected on the Match Day sweep as they didn't contain explosives so dogs couldn't locate them.

So what was the purpose of the training day with the dogs. ?

How many people were involved .
Were dogs involved.
Was it a random search of the whole ground looking for the 14 devices. If so that could have took ages to complete.
Did they have the locations and just walk to them with the dogs and retrieve them.
If 3 people were involved in the search then say two of them had a list of five devices each and the other had four to find, then surely one of them returning would have been one short and error identified.

Or am I missing something here.
No dogs were involved. The devices were spread across a hospitality suite called the 100 Club.

Given that there were 14 devices to find, you have to assume that they told him they could only find 13 of them. Which is worrying in itself, as it was just hanging on the back of a toilet door FFS!!
Id like to hear the media ask if city & rags have different security process.

Apparently city sweep areas of the stadium & have them isolated 3 days prior to ensure it is a sterile environment something the rags have refused.

It fucking stinks.

How they are allowed to operate again with all these holes is beyond me.

How do we get freedom of information about this?

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