United game postponed due to bomb scare

On my way in to work yesterday TalkSport genuinely reported that United would allow people with tickets from Sunday into tonight's game 'free of charge'.

How they've managed to spin it like some great charitable geature to allow people who paid the best part of £50 to watch a football match to actually see a football match without having to pay a second time I'll never know. Rag PR Machine is nothing if not effective.
I know this question has been asked but how regularly do they clean the toilets at that place? If there's a weird thing sticking to the back of the big door you'd think anyone cleaning them out would find it.


Edit - I guess we still need a song, how about:

There's a bomb in the bathroom, are you listening?
There's a bomb in the bathroom I say,
There's a bomb in the bathroom, better clear out,
Glad you had practice on Derby day
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They're claiming credit for a perfect evacuation. However - still no apology that their security was compromised and then undetected for 4 days and potentially exposing 77000 customers to what would have been a catastrophe. !
Does anybody else think this whole bomb thing is nothing more than a smoke screen to get the match abandoned so that they then find themselves in a very favourable position as to what course of action to take on the field. Assuming they don't want Europa league they could have finished 7th but that would have depended on other results and they would have to had played their first 11 on Sunday because they still had a chance of champ's league, however now they know their fate they can now play a weaker side and rest their first team for the cup final, which if they don't win sees them playing Europa qualifying games 3 days after playing us in China.This is pure speculation mind, but it also fuckin stinks.
I fail to see how they didn't know a bomb was missing.
Someone put the bombs in secret places for the dog(s) to find and one would assume that those places were recorded on a piece of paper somewhere.
The dog would have had a handler (armed with a list of the locations) who took the dog into the vicinity of each bomb.
The bomb would then have been uplifted when it was found and the list updated with found - for example under LvG's seat.
At the end of the exercise the list should have shown all bombs found, all bombs counted, all packed up and the dogs and handlers gone home.
This whole thing stinks of corruption and the FA should be demanding a full investigation with a walkthrough of the process at the ground and inspection of the security firm's checklist (if it ever existed).
Will be interesting to compare the team sheet for the rearranged game with that given to the officials on Sunday. Alan Pardew should be all over this.
His excuse was feeble - didn't count them all back in because one looked similar in his bag and he thought that was it. I'm not sure I buy into the conspiracy theory, he just seems like a thick retired copper
I'm edging towards that opinion as well. He really doesn't seem to be particularly bright or professional, especially when you see the state of the warning label he put on the front of that "bomb".

That said, the rags are ultimately responsible as it should have been found in the intervening 4 days, and someone should have been able to join the dots when it was eventually discovered. Seems to be rank incompetence on both their parts rather than anything more sinister.
What are the facts in this matter rather than the speculation. Firstly the exercise did not have any dogs involved - FACT. The fake bomb was taped to the back of the door for four days undetected - FACT. The fake bomb had a sticky label on it stating it was a fake device - FACT. What we can only speculate over is was the label view or not? Were the rags asked by police whether or not a training exercise had been carried out recently? Did the training firm really write that 'confession' or was it pre prepared by the rags lawyers. The questions that should be asked but won't was why was it undetected for four days when it wasn't concealed? How effective is their pre match sweep? Whe was a canine company from I think Wales using a security firm from Kent at a venue in Greater Manchester? Why didn't the security firm realise that a device was missing when they returned to their offices? How can the HSE give a safety certificate for the rearranged game to proceed? I won't hold my breath waiting for the answers
Already swept under the carpet, the Scum are saints and completely blameless.

Stories are now about random Africans being treated to a Wembley day out, what an example to us all they are.
Apologies to Blackadder and Captain Flasheart.......'What a club'.

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