United game postponed due to bomb scare

If they did want to delay the game it just shows how desperate they are as a club , in this day and age faking a bomb scare is not a great idea
What a shambles and how embarassing for their management.
The private company angle should not detract from the responsibility of the club. They commissioned them and should have proper systems in place. It would not surprise me if this is a smokescreen with the aim to divert attention away from a monumental balls up by the club, the police or both.

Imagine if this incompetence had led to them knowing what they had to do to qualify for the top 4? Happily, it didn't.

It couldn't happen to a better club.
Has anyone else got a feeling this was set up by United to delay their game so that they'd know our result before their game was played? Don't forget they turned up late to TWO games recently too...

Yes, it's United all over. Win at all costs...
You are in a really bad position going into next season. You need a whole new defence & midfield to mount any kind of challenge. Kompany is finished, Otamendi & Mangala are the most expensive yet least talented CB's in the league. Your full backs are also past there best. In midfield, Silva is done. Stirling looks over priced by about £48 Mill. You don't have a decent defensive unit even if the 2 Ferns were both allowed on the pitch at the same time but only counted as 1 player. It's a tall order to get in 5 quality players in the off season. If Pep was top manage this you are still then hugely reliant on Aguero staying fit for the whole season as you have no backups in attack. Bony is a mid table striker on a galactico pay packet. Nacho is a good squad player but he's in the Wellbeck bracket & won't get you 20 goals a season.

To be fair......taking off the blue tinted specs for a minute, he does have several valid points. You've only got to read the matchday forums week in week out to see a lot would agree.

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