United game postponed due to bomb scare

They have put all the blame on the company, who will now lose their buisness. Scummy fucking rats. RAG SC6M
They are being ALLOWED to, judging from the reaction of the powers that be and the media. Could you imagine the uproar if this had been ourselves or Arsenal. And all of this coming on top of turning up late for the two previous games. No wonder they're arrogant. It's a different set of rules for scum and the Dippers.
How an Arsenal fan had been allowed to post with impunity for so long, fuck only knows.

I've heard that when it was found the police asked the rags if they had any training exercises where fake bombs were planted recently & they were told NO!

That left the police with no alternative, look no further for blame, the cup for cockups is there's for keeps now.

I asked somebody involved 1 question to find that out so very surprising to see the poor fucker who owns the sec firm getting hung out to dry when everyone knows what happened.

I would also love to know Bournmouth thoughts on this, only their silence has been very dignified when you'd imagine most would have had plans for holidays, weddings as soon as season finished.
Who told you that?
The contractor had signed the device as having been recovered along with the 13 other devices at the end of the exercise.
That device could not have been detected by sniffer dogs on the routine matchday search of the 100 Club, as it contained no explosives and was used in an exercise training handlers not dogs.

This taken from the statement put out. Reading between the lines the first sentence appears to say 'It is in no way our fault' and the second appears to say we always do a full sweep but because it was a fake it wasn't found.

Talk about hanging people out to dry. They obviously didn't search the toilets at all as this 'bomb' was supposedly in full sight, not tucked away behind a loose brick. No doubt the media will swallow it hook line and sinker and the rags will come out of this smelling of roses
But if the dogs couldn't detect it because it was fake why did they bother with a controlled explosion? Weaselly Rag twats! And if the club did nothing wrong, why are they admitting lessons should be learnt. This is them doubling down on being weaselly Rag twats. That club is known for its stinginess in all things. They even make their youngsters pay for their own fucking Jaffa cakes. Horrible, horrible SCUM.
But if the dogs couldn't detect it because it was fake why did they bother with a controlled explosion? Weaselly Rag twats! And if the club did nothing wrong, why are they admitting lessons should be learnt. Doubling down on being weaselly Rag twats.
A "controlled explosion" is usually a high pressure jet of water or bolt to separate the 'detonator' from the 'explosive' as opposed to an actual explosion.

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