United game postponed due to bomb scare

Rubbish. You do the same thing day in day out and it matters not a fucking jot how important it is, you'll get complacent, because you know you've done it faultless for days and days on end. This comes down to nothing more than simple human nature. As it appears, correct me if I'm wrong, he's not subject to oversight, he's the top of the chain - One single bloke? It's not a fucking joint spec ops/Mi5 exercise.

Now two scenarios are possible in the days between his seminar and the game. 1) He doesn't have another job on that week, so he doesn't notice he's still a pipe bomb short. 2) He does, and either he still doesn't notice, because at the next job he's still not using his entire assortment of bombs, or he does notice, and what? He just doesn't bother ringing the club to get it back? Why the fuck would he do that?

If this is all so outlandish what is the actual explanation? Because all I've seen so far is how the club and company statements are clearly bollocks and there is something more sinister afoot, yet no-one seems able to tell me what that is.
This is a smokescreen. Whoever was initially responsible for leaving this device, the fact that they let it sit there for four days was down to the rags .... as their local MP pointed out in her public letter to them. It was taped to a bog door and they let thousands of people into the stadium. If their security protocol was all it was supposed to be, how the fuck was the device not found and why would you need a dog to notice a fucking bomb taped to a door.But because its the scum, their scummy sidekicks in the media refuse to ask the most obvious questions.What a joke.


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