United thread 2012/13 (inc merged IPO thread)

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just seen this on redcafe

"How would you describe Man City getting billionaire oil money and derailing the Glazer's financial plan. Forcing the Glazers into an IPO to raise money to cover the financial loss and to try and remain competitive."

so its all our fault that united are heading for financial meltdown, nowt to do with the Glazers.

funniest read in a long time.
sniff said:
VOOMER said:
more lazy than useless said:
Surely the reason AON, AIG and now Chevy (and throw in Standard Chartered wtih Liverpool) sponsor shirts is the Asian audience, not the US or European one?

And on the question of the Glazers selling up in 2017 after paying off the debt, yes they would make a killing, but surely they would keep the club and and suck it dry year in, year out? Who would be stupid enough to sell the goose that lays golden eggs?

That assumes they haven't sunk the club by then!

Like a family of red headed leaches, pure Darwinian!

All the conspiracy theories are great...

but the whole point of advertising is to increase sales and brand awareness...

the fact a company is going all out in a market they have little share of is 100% normal for a company trying to find new revenue streams..

added to the fact that the US is prob the only place in the world where the premier league isn't really followed.. so a massive deal with a global product isnt dodgy in it's self... the amount and the fact it's taxpayers money could well be.

Exactly, with the money being tax payers money and the villain (who the money is going to), the rags and English, they will have an easy target, if they can be bothered.
pirate said:
just seen this on redcafe

"How would you describe Man City getting billionaire oil money and derailing the Glazer's financial plan. Forcing the Glazers into an IPO to raise money to cover the financial loss and to try and remain competitive."

so its all our fault that united are heading for financial meltdown, nowt to do with the Glazers.

funniest read in a long time.

Fergie’s backed the wrong horse in Glazer affair
By Eurosport | Jim White – 1 hour 15 minutes ago


The news that certain members of Manchester United senior management are to benefit from the club's public listing by being gifted shares will come as little surprise to those who have followed the club's recent history.
The sale is a botched and sorry effort, an asset stripping operation which has been chased across the stock markets of the globe as it sought some sort of refuge from the prevailing economic woes. The idea, we were told by the acquisitive family who own the club, was to free up some of the debt. Accrue investment and pay off the loans was the idea, that way the interest payments would be reduced and more money be made available for keeping tabs on the field of play with the super-rich neighbours.
Never mind that it was them who first foisted totally unnecessary debt on to an institution which had been proudly debt free for generations, here they were presenting the share issue as some sort of financial nirvana. It soon became pretty clear it was no such thing. While approximately half of the £300 million raised by the sale will indeed be used to pay off the various notes and loans levied on a reluctant host body by its parasitical owners, the rest was to go directly to the Glazer family.
They have urgent need of cash to prop up the other ailing parts of their retail and property empire, stricken by consequences of leveraged buy-outs. The Glazers never owned anything, they just bought it all on loans. And when the loans were called in, and the interest hiked, in the wake of the credit crunch, boy were they in trouble.
United is just about their only liquid asset, the only source of cash. The IPO was financial chicanery of the most blatant and shameless kind. Scandalous barely covers it. In the Glazer empire, the only way forward is robbing Peter to pay Paul. And in this case Peter's wealth is derived from the pockets of Manchester United's supporters.
And yet we are told by the manager of the club that the Glazers have been fantastic owners. And that those who point out their chicanery are merely sour-faced moaners. Most proper fans recognise their decency, he insisted. Now we know why he is so in favour of their rule. According to the financial blogger Andy Green he could be in line for shares valued at over £10m. Well, with that sort of bonus in prospect you would reckon the owners decent.
The sadness is the Glazer recklessness, the sheer audacity of using the once great institution as a piggy bank to prop up their faltering net worth, is so evidently dangerous that not to recognise it as such is the indecency. This is a property that has stood proud in the annals of football as a self-sustaining, self-financing titan being transformed by its current owners into a milk machine, to be sucked dry at every teat. The very act of doing so not only jeopardises the short term — the chances of United keeping track with the spending power of their neighbours is now beyond remote — it absolutely undermines the future.
The warning is there in Glasgow. Sure, the details are different. But the fundamentals are the same. At Rangers, a hapless and hopeless board believed endless cash flow would cover up their financial mismanagement. At United, the view is the same. As long as the punters keep coming, as long as the shirt deals are signed, as long as the sponsors are attracted, all will be well.
But as was demonstrated at Ibrox, cash coming in has to match cash going out. The Glazers have signalled their intent with this sale: United is their personal ATM. Such reckless endangerment of basic probity is not remotely decent. Sir Alex you have been warned: you are supporting the wrong side in this affair. No amount of share bribery can disguise this fact: the Glazers are very bad indeed for the future well being of the club you insist you love. <a class="postlink" href="http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/jim-white/fergie-backed-wrong-horse-glazer-affair-180515477.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/jim ... 15477.html</a>
pirate said:
just seen this on redcafe

"How would you describe Man City getting billionaire oil money and derailing the Glazer's financial plan. Forcing the Glazers into an IPO to raise money to cover the financial loss and to try and remain competitive."

so its all our fault that united are heading for financial meltdown, nowt to do with the Glazers.

funniest read in a long time.

They aren't exactly the brightest people ever, over on The Swamp, everything and anything is F***ing City's fault.
72blue said:
pirate said:
just seen this on redcafe

"How would you describe Man City getting billionaire oil money and derailing the Glazer's financial plan. Forcing the Glazers into an IPO to raise money to cover the financial loss and to try and remain competitive."

so its all our fault that united are heading for financial meltdown, nowt to do with the Glazers.

funniest read in a long time.

They aren't exactly the brightest people ever, over on The Swamp, everything and anything is F***ing City's fault.

Well, it just might be, the Glazers continued milking of United is dependant on United's continued success, admittedly there is time lag between loss of form and loss of punters, but not as much as the Glazers would like. If City continue kicking United's arse and keep snatching those trophies rightfully hers, those cash cows teats are going to start running dry.

So we might just be the final nail in that gangster cabals coffin.
72blue said:
pirate said:
just seen this on redcafe

"How would you describe Man City getting billionaire oil money and derailing the Glazer's financial plan. Forcing the Glazers into an IPO to raise money to cover the financial loss and to try and remain competitive."

so its all our fault that united are heading for financial meltdown, nowt to do with the Glazers.

funniest read in a long time.

They aren't exactly the brightest people ever, over on The Swamp, everything and anything is F***ing City's fault.

To be fair, losing 6-1 at home and the title on the last day were probably are fault as well.
If everything that goes wrong with them is our fault, I say excellent. Well done to those involved.
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