United Thread 2015/16

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The guy has a point. This place in general is not very welcoming at all to any fans of other clubs, even ones that wouldn't be considered rival clubs. Unless they come out and actively praise City or tow the line they generally don't last long before somebody needlessly jumps on them. Even if we don't agree with them, differing opinions can be a good, even refreshing thing as long as they're not actively trolling.

Since the General Football Forum was created on here, it's been a more welcoming place IMO. We've got loads of fans of other clubs that post on here and myself and GDM have often bemoaned the lack of decent United posters - I've found that if you get some good posters of a particular club then the thread regarding that club tends to be quite sensible. There's not much love for Tottenham amongst most City fans but we have some good posters on here that are Spurs fans and as a result the Spurs thread, while containing the usual generic insults, has lots of constructive posts. A dearth of good United posters tends to see this thread descend into nothing more than piss-taking but is it really any surprise? Comparing Bluemoon and Rag Cafe is akin to comparing apples and oranges - there are far more local based match-going fans on here than there is on Red Cafe and naturally it will be far more partisan as a result. Go on Red Issue or Republik Of Mancunia and it will be even less welcoming than here.
He'll sign but he'll till go Madrid next summer although probably for more than 29m

Years gone by, a new contract meant something positive. Now it is the biggest indicator that a player will leave.
United bend over with a few million in Dave's sky rocket allowing them to sell him for far more than what he is currently worth.
Win-win-win for them, Dave and us Blues who can ridicule them for what is inevitable.
I was under the impression that De Gea wanted away for personal reasons,first his desire to play for Real and secondly that his wife could not settle. Looking at it logically all the money that TT throws at him will not change that. Also why would he jeapodise his move to Madrid by signing a contract which means instead of him going to where he wants for free they, Madrid, would have to pay a huge fee ,which might put them off. I think this is just paper talk.
if hes got any sense he would fuck them off, however united might say, sign the contract or you wont play, with the euros around the corner he could sign on for the year,hell earn roughly an extra 5mil for that year then get the move he wants, or he can say fuck you, ill happily sit on the bench for 5 mil a year and get a huge signing on fee next summer to Madrid, decisions decisions
Anyway, Ian Wright needs to go on the rag sycophant list.
I just read the article on the BBC website supposedly quoting Ian Wright, what a load of arse kissing bollocks, if Wright said those things he has gone right down in my opinion and has joined the rest of the so called experts spouting pro utd propaganda.
He was routinely mocked cos he was shit!

Also, is Anthony Martial a "prospect" at 36 million!!!!

Keep up, mate. He's the most world class of all the world's young world class players. Now please don't let me have to tell you this again.

As for De Gay, the rags simply have to be seen to be doing this. How he responds remains to be seen. It would take a strong-minded individual to tough it out and run down his contract. Specially when the Ministry of Truth and all its apparatchiks sharpen their nail files. He'd lose a shed load of money too, by the look of it.
Great post Mossideblue! When the rags were second to Liverpool and hadn't won the league for something like 28 years they threw millions at it buying all the best players out there.If you could compare it to today's fees i doubt they would be far off what we have spent since the takeover.This was all conveniently forgotten when they had all the youth players break through to the first team,which i grudgingly admit was some achievement.We of course had a fair few do the same for us but without the same impact although Lakey would probably have gone on to become one of the games greats.

Their fan base of a certain age are finding it hard to cope as they all jumped on the success bandwaggon and that's all they have known until now.I won't live to see it but it would be interesting to see how loyal they stayed if they suffered 35 years in the wilderness like we did.
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