United Thread 2015/16

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Well if they happen to sign Ibra and Pedro and are looking like they might sign Ottamendi they only need a keeper to have on paper a very very good team, whether so many players can gel is another thing altogether. SCUM.
They despise the fact they cannot argue we are the best team in Manchester
The difference between lickle old cited and that shower from Salford is amazing really.
Start with our captains ours is the best leader and one of the most respectable professionals in the league.
There's is a fat scouse granny shagger who's held there club to ransom three times to guarantee he starts games.
Look at the kids were bringing through and also the age of these lads we are signing looks great for the future.
Oh according to the media they have a great youth system 2 teams in 60 years they have produced and wellbeck tom Zidane and James Wilson.
There signing any fool who can stand up no thought to how they fit into a team.
Just brilliant
Does anyone actually care if there football club whores itself around the globe and sells it soul to sponsors or stadium names etc?? I couldn't care less as long as my team remains competitive.

Also any Manchester United fan who bangs on about homegrown talent needs a smack in the head and a reality check. We was lucky to have had a golden era with Giggsy Scholes Beckham and Neville and I'm grateful for it. However we also had some extremely talented foreigners to.

Unless your club fields 11 players all who was born and raised with in a 5 mile radius of its stadium then you can not bang on about home grown talent or players playing for love of the badge we all no they play to cash that cheque in at the end of the week, Again i couldn't care less if they play for money or loyalty only thing that matters is they give 110 per cent every game remain professional and show a little gratitude to us the fans for keeping them employed.

Im looking forward to the season kicking off and I'm glad the league has become more competitive makes it well more exciting and alot better than when it was just Manchester United or Arsenal.

Since SAF left it has been hard but at the same time im kind of glad it makes me respect other fans a hell of a lot more. When David Moyes took over i truly felt what it was like to support a shit team, it wasnt pleasant. I can only imagine how a lot of you guys must of felt over the years.
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