United Thread 2015/16

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I had to put this on here purely for quivering bollock comment.
Ragcafe don't half produce these fine moments of comedy gold.
I'm going to log that comment away for future use!

Apparently, it's the first time since 1961 that our quiet neighbours have lost four games on the spin (didn't even manage it in their relegation season, or under wee Davey).
I know it's been asked before but what exactly is the family mans role? On the few occasions that the TV showed the bench there was only 1 guy talking or making any effort to ask questions, the family man just sat there like a statue.
Van Gaal out? But how can United sack Van Gaal if they're not a sacking club?

Van Gaal is everything we could hope for a United manager to be. It really is comedy gold. Depay's diving header is one of the funniest things I've seen on a football pitch.
I know it's been asked before but what exactly is the family mans role? On the few occasions that the TV showed the bench there was only 1 guy talking or making any effort to ask questions, the family man just sat there like a statue.

Bryan Briggs' rôle at the swamp is to undermine the current incumbent of the manager's chair, by leaking little titbits to the media or asking someone from the crass of 92 to criticise the state of the club, including saying it would never have happened under the pisscan until such time as the board has no choice but to give the adulterous, back-stabbing, sister-in-law-shagging, cross-eyed weasel the job because no one else will touch it with a barge pole.
Still pisses me of how the majority of city fans and Pellegrini were happy with a 0-0 draw at their place.
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