United thread 2017/18

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Mourinho being mourinho taking a pop at Gaurdiola for crying about injuries. I literally cant wait until one of their "Stars" gets a shite challenge. Please god perfect timing would be today cos he wont be able to say fuck all after this


C'mon GT when has the pathetictwat ever been able to keep his mouth shut ?

His moaning and sniping at Pep shows how much he is suffering. It is killing him, so enjoy every rant and moan from the ego driven twat . He is playing up to the fuckwits who still believe that he will sort their shithouse of a club out.

Mourinho and Sad Cafe posters = a perfect match.
Agree I want them to have their best 11 out so when we beat them the rags will have no excuses.

Exactly this plus I feel having Pogba is actually a disadvantage for them given we’ll have the majority of possession and he’s lazy without the ball.
Mourinho being mourinho taking a pop at Gaurdiola for crying about injuries. I literally cant wait until one of their "Stars" gets a shite challenge. Please god perfect timing would be today cos he wont be able to say fuck all after this

I'm not usually one for wishing injury on players but when I read this comment and then think about what Pogba said before Christmas, I think I would actually be pleased if Pogba had his leg broken today as a result of a dreadful, high, studs up challenge. For me that would be karma.
Have a trip over to red cafe for some amusing Sunday morning reading. Apparently the donut thief is a much more important player then Kevin De Bruyne. Also they might add Ginger Kev's long range passing is almost as good as Pogba’s.

What’s the name of that river in Egypt?
I suppose for their style of play, de Gea is more important as they're all about not conceding due to the fact that they play so defensively. I don't think KdB would be half the player he is under Mourinho's management.
Can't see anything favourable coming out of this one but I am eternally hopefull when it comes to the rags dropping points.... Hope the barcodes give their long suffering fans something to cheer today...!

Yeah, me too, mate.

I can’t see anything other than a rags' win, but you never know.
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