United thread 2017/18

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Mourinho is staying put barring some meltdown and we know for sure now. I said and thought as much the other day then i saw an article saying they had indeed all been told that morning. Not saying i am a know it all handsome as fook super all round spot on chap you must understand hehe. Nah, it was coming to a head with Pogba and some others i felt as i assume a few others could gather to. Woodward had to say one way or the other soon. It was Tuesday morning if memory serves. They were all told rather clearly if you fuck about the club will be backing Jose and not you.

It was pretty obvious who they would side with to. Jose has them clamped in second, Glazers men know they are going to be forced to play second fiddle to us for the foreseeable future. After the last 5 or so years of extreme instability, they will take what Jose is giving for at least another 2 seasons imo. Again barring him losing it and forcing utd to sack him with stupid actions etc.

So for a start it shows there was/is issues, pretty severe ones with the core of the playing staff. I am confident it is because some of them were biting their tongue until the end of the season hoping to outlive Mourinho at utd. Now they are fucked and i would put a grand on it Martial is one of them.

To me it feels like the secret of Pep coming here from Bayern for those few months. It was clear as day, every fucker knew but nothing concrete. Martial looks disillusioned as you can get, Rashford not much better. With Pogba the crowning prince of pissed off pomposity.That is not to say they will leave but their utd dream is nothing of the sort.

I would be pretty sure every top team when Raiola whispers in their ear just shake their head disinterested now. Nobody will want to touch Pogba with a barge pole. Just the idea people will not pay 200m for him now probably twists his gut.

Sincerely hope you’re right TCIB, but if he wanted to engineer his own departure he would know enough ways to bring that club into disrepute, much to our amusement no doubt. Getting into a slanging match with pisshead or the ticket tout would be a great start.
But where would he go? We all know PSG would be fking nuts to even consider it, and who does that leave? City, Liverpool, Arsenal no chance. Chelsea? Dafter things have happened. Madrid won’t take him back, Barca and Bayern not a hope in hell. AC or Juve perhaps?
Unless he reinvents himself in the next 18 months this could well be his last big job. Pep must be pissing himself as their reputations hurtle in different directions.
This post and your one before it I concur, spot on blue.

I think city supporters who are old enough to remember following us in the 80s and 90s can fully understand the depths of despair the club plunged to and the pain we suffered whilst the rags revelled at our misfortune and further demise,. How they enjoyed reminding us each time they gleefully changed the number on the banner in the ragford end, compounding our misery every time we went to the swamp or saw it on TV. The songs they sang like my old man and city are a massive club made me resent them even more, but I never once waivered from being a blue. I loved the club back then as much (if not more) than I do now, and their constant taunting and belittlement seemed to galvanise me even more.

Sometimes I wonder how things would of transpired to be if Dickov hadn't of scored that goal at Wembley in 99, but things would of been very different from a rags POV if Robins had not of scored the FA cup header that saved Fegie from the sack. Both were defining moments in our clubs history.

I think united fans took the clubs success under fergie for granted and their younger fans had never known anything but success.
There were times that such was the chasm of us and them(top4) I genuinely believed I'd never see us win another trophy since the distant memory of the 76 league cup win.

Nowadays, everyone knows we weren't there when we were shit, and our club was only founded in 2008. We have no history and we don't deserve our sugar daddy fortune and success as we are not entitled.

Tough shit, my heart fuckin pumps piss to all the rags who cannot accept that the league is all about money, never bothered them when they were buying camel lips and granny groper for 30 mil whilst we were signing players for a fraction of that.

I'm not arsed about becoming bigger than them, or that they have more trophies in their history than us. I'm over the blue moon that we are no longer in their shadow and winning trophies i thought we never would.

Fergie once quipped "not in my lifetime", and he was only refering to City becoming top dogs in Manchester. Many united fans boast we will never catch their trophy haul up, but Liverpool fans probably thought the same.
I doubt I'll be alive to see if we can catch them up, but maybe our younger fans be alive if it was to happen.

Meanwhile, I'll just continue to support the club i love and enjoy the great football on display. Every trophy we win is a bonus IMO. I'll let the rags worry about our continued rise to their dismal demise.

Mind the gap, it might get bigger; )
Good post - but as one of the older fans - what's with the repeated use of the f-word??

Govan piss can or such would make me cringe less
Unless he wins the FA Cup, he'll be gone. They won't stomach much more of that footballing style. The attacking players must abhor him

I think they will be happy with top four for this season to protect that flow of champions league football in. However giving Jose another 150 million plus to spend on players for what return he gets out of them must be an unpalatable shit sandwich for the bean counters at old Trafford.

Ibrahimovic, Carrick, Fellani, Blind, Smalling and Shaw will be shifted out and many of director of football will be licking their lips at what money they can get out of a desperate Eddie 2 planks. Add that to the fact they don’t have a cohesive transfer policy, all the while whilst we acquire our targets and sail off into the distance again.
That would take some serious bottle at utd with whisky snout still mooching around. You would likely see a real divide then, Matic i doubt would go against Mourinho so he would have an awkward relationship with others right away.
Matic did at Chelsea by all accounts.
I think they will be happy with top four for this season to protect that flow of champions league football in. However giving Jose another 150 million plus to spend on players for what return he gets out of them must be an unpalatable shit sandwich for the bean counters at old Trafford.

Ibrahimovic, Carrick, Fellani, Blind, Smalling and Shaw will be shifted out and many of director of football will be licking their lips at what money they can get out of a desperate Eddie 2 planks. Add that to the fact they don’t have a cohesive transfer policy, all the while whilst we acquire our targets and sail off into the distance again.

Apparently they have a transfer policy now - go after every player City has been linked with and offer them double what City would
Unless he wins the FA Cup, he'll be gone. They won't stomach much more of that footballing style. The attacking players must abhor him

Football comes a long way third to earnings and exposure for the Glazers, so winning the FA Cup is totally irrelevant.

If you'd have said finishing in the Top 4 or he's gone, then I would've agreed.

The Glazers for me, are totally happy with the way things are going.

Money is the priority.

Social media exposure comes a mightily close second, as this supports Ed in his quest for...(you guessed it)...more money via sponsorship.

The Glazers have long since forgotten that this is a football club and the main focus being to win trophies.
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