This is just magnificent. All my fucking dreams come true. They've gone from all conquering, trophy winning arrogant cünts, to the fucking laughing stock of the Prem in 5 (?) years. Even better, they're playing turgid, shite, park the bus, visionless football. Meanwhile, back in Manchester is a team they fucking laughed at, ridiculed and belittled for decades, playing the best brand of football ever seen in England.
I'm so fucking happy those cünts Ferguson, Neville, Scholes, Giggs, Beckham......every single one of the cünts.....are here to witness it. All the fucking "Yoonited way", "35 years", ickle Citeh etc, etc, etc, bollocks coming back to bite them on the fucking arse.
"Never in my lifetime" - yeah, suck it up you fucking bitter old knocking on the door cünt.