BBC pick the items, about 10 or so from the hundreds that appear.I’ll say it again.
The Gossip Column is nothing to do with the BBC; it’s just a round-up of the articles in the papers.
BBC pick the items, about 10 or so from the hundreds that appear.I’ll say it again.
The Gossip Column is nothing to do with the BBC; it’s just a round-up of the articles in the papers.
I'll say it again "That they chose to put in or leave out".I’ll say it again.
The Gossip Column is nothing to do with the BBC; it’s just a round-up of the articles in the papers.
The obsession jumps from the rags to the dippers every couple of this rate united are falling and struggling with money and share prices and debt they will be lucky to buy del boy knock offs gear on trafford carboot sales on sunday ?
fuck me every fucking day is the same ? united are in for this player and that player. even today spurs and harry kane come out and say he is not for sale. and then skysports gary chuckle comes out with kane is up for sale to united with the headline saying spurs will not sell to a rival. what the fuck are people doing listening to that dickhead
So does that mean kane is coming to City as we are not spurs rivals. Playing for 5 or 6 spot is normal for the rags and spursat this rate united are falling and struggling with money and share prices and debt they will be lucky to buy del boy knock offs gear on trafford carboot sales on sunday ?
fuck me every fucking day is the same ? united are in for this player and that player. even today spurs and harry kane come out and say he is not for sale. and then skysports gary chuckle comes out with kane is up for sale to united with the headline saying spurs will not sell to a rival. what the fuck are people doing listening to that dickhead
The obsession jumps from the rags to the dippers every couple of days.
so true
18 other teams in the premier league only get bad press when something happens and city are only this little club without a pot to piss in
I had a thought earlier, could we see clubs furlough unwanted players who they perceive as having a lower transfer value than their contract?
The reason I put this in here is, why don't the rags furlough sanchez? They are still paying half his wages at inter and couldn't give him away for free, so couldn't they get the government to pay him the 25k pa and not pay him a penny themselves?
You mean that one Sly Sports have jizz to, every time I put the football on?Disappointed with this attitude. Surely everyone wants to log in to Sky sports website to read about Giggs's "wonderful solo goal" scored as recently as 21 years ago.
Disappointed with this attitude. Surely everyone wants to log in to Sky sports website to read about Giggs's "wonderful solo goal" scored as recently as 21 years ago.