Well-Known Member
What an absolute, top of the range, state of the art, grade 'A' çunt. He stepped onto hallowed ground and began mouthing off before anyone could show him the door? Prick! Someone should have taken him around the corner and pummelled his fat, bloated face so hard his own mother wouldn't have recognised him.
I'll bet he's the sort of benefit-grabbing wanker who spends all day in front of his tv watching daytime garbage and gorging himself on junk food and Diet Pepsi. Probably has his mum waiting on him hand and foot because he's too fucking stupid to be able to function on his own.
The sort of grotesque slob whose size xxxxl track suit bottoms still aren't big enough to hide his mountainous arse whenever he moves - which is rarely.
Even Ned Flanders would want to kick fuck out of this useless stand-in double for Mr Creosote.
Another fine example of one "like" just not being enough.