United Thread - 2022/23

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That is essentially a propaganda article for Saudi Arabia from Dan Roan who has spent the last decade writing vile and biased articles about our owner. Also bear in mind that Abu Dhabi is one of the most liberal regimes in the entire Middle East, especially compared to Saudi. So why has Roan and his BBC pals been so selective and vicious with his coverage of City?
Maybe you should ask him.
Under slur shittypants, did the urchins have any sustained rivals? The arses only won 3pls under Wenger, Maureen had a few turns.

Both were heavily backed Via clean conflict diamond sales and totally above board looting of Russian state assets. The victims regularly bought big names, reckon that Charlie Adam will give that Sergio chap a run for his money...

But the wankers resources always dwarfed everyone else. 13 titles of the first 20? Not a peep from the supine press.

Gap of 30 years between European Cups, govan bully won 2 via a smash n grab on Bayern and Chelsea missing their pens.

I wouldn't say no to 2 CLs but considering their resources, it's a poor return. When we were in the 68/69 comp, how many seasons of Europe had we had compared to them?

Shame Swales got his claws into us or we would have won a lot more. Ialways find it interesting that we were genuine rivals in the late 60s/early 70s.
As the twats got relegated we went head to head with the other red mard arses.

The vitriol they've unleashed via client media on us, the way they attempted to block us at every hurdle once we became genuine rivals again..... that's who they truly are. Their attempts at threatening our existence and wrecking our commercial plans failed but they have succeeded in dragging our name through the mud, every armchair plastic got their bingo cards.

Their real rivalry with the other arse cheeks? Doesn't stand up to any scrutiny, only title "race" between them was a fiction.

Desperate needy cunts, hope they get many successful transfers like pr87, sanchez and slabby. Even now the Glazers are trying to flog them like a cheap tart, they're deluded to think Mbappe would ever look at them.

Tick. Tock.
My latest view from reading the caf.

Most of them are OK with being bought by an Arab state as "it's the only way for them to catch up"
Howson thinks it'll take a 10 billion package to buy/refurbish/team build/cover debt ... so he thinks an Arab owner is inevitable. 'Bring it on' he sez, only way they'll be able to compete.
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