That fucking spineless Pisscan lackey has an agenda, I'm positive on that. He is getting so much tv coverage in order to air his views that there has to be something going on between him and Sly.
Nobody outside of politics is given such free airtime to dictate to the masses like Ratboy. He basically sits there in his comfortable armchair, in the nice warm studio, surrounded by rag sycophants, and spews his bile to an audience of millions. Nobody there to contradict him, nobody to offer an alternate view, no balanced debate to let the viewers/listeners make up their minds. No. He has learnt well at feet of his idol, Pisscan. Fuck democracy, fuck anybody whose views differ to mine, contrary opinions will not be tolerated.
Why has a major tv broadcasting company like Sly, with its vile tentacles creeping ever wider, like some foul, demented James Bond-type megalomaniac, apparently happy to allow this ex-player to use his privileged position to bully and cajole the great unwashed - and pay him for it?
Cynical? Yes. But I really believe Sly are up to something sinister, with the willing assistance and approval of the shop steward himself.