This is a good one to start the new year off. A distant neighbour of mine (plastic rag, never seen a game, you know the type) no longer speaks to me. I used to enjoy giving him stick but that particular avenue of mirth for me has been closed - permanently, However, I heard from a friend of a friend that this raggy anal-fissure has been telling anyone who will listen that in his view the rest of the Premier league should dig into their pockets and help the vermin out because..."they are the team that everybody loves and they are great ambassadors to this country!"
Sometimes I feel I am adrift in an ocean of micro-brained idiots. I have no compass to take a bearing, no control over my vessel, and I feel the tide is dragging me towards Numbskull Island where I shall be unceremoniously shipwrecked and doomed to spend my days alone on a deserted island, staring out at the mass of lobotomised heads that form my ocean. Knowing that the only way I can ever hope to have an intelligent conversation again is to find a coconut.