Unreacted Explosives Found in WTC Dust


Well-Known Member
26 May 2008
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyCDzvZ4i-4" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyCDzvZ4i-4</a>
if a youtube video wherein *all* comments critical of the conclusions is your idea of proof, you might need to raise your standards a bit... you might need to raise your standards a lot actually.

incidentally if "peer reviewed" means "online vanity press" then yeah the 'research' was published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

believe what you want to believe i suppose, but imaginary rumors that we're signing Kaka and Tranny from Real are about as credible as this sad wankfest...
zeusbheld said:
if a youtube video wherein *all* comments critical of the conclusions is your idea of proof, you might need to raise your standards a bit... you might need to raise your standards a lot actually.

incidentally if "peer reviewed" means "online vanity press" then yeah the 'research' was published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

believe what you want to believe i suppose, but imaginary rumors that we're signing Kaka and Tranny from Real are about as credible as this sad wankfest...

In actual fact the findings are sound, verified by at least four independent and unbiased Phd's with experience in the field, and they are irrefutable. Undetonated traces of nano-thermite (along with the chemical traces consistent with a detonated nano-thermite reaction), HAVE BEEN found in dust collected from the immediate area at the time by residents, i.e. Within the first couple of weeks of the collapse. No one should accept this simply on the basis of a YouTube video to be sure, but if you look deeper and check out the paper and related published material, at the very least they raise an alarming question over the official verdict of what exactly happened that day.
mcfcbird said:
zeusbheld said:
if a youtube video wherein *all* comments critical of the conclusions is your idea of proof, you might need to raise your standards a bit... you might need to raise your standards a lot actually.

incidentally if "peer reviewed" means "online vanity press" then yeah the 'research' was published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

believe what you want to believe i suppose, but imaginary rumors that we're signing Kaka and Tranny from Real are about as credible as this sad wankfest...

In actual fact the findings are sound, verified by at least four independent and unbiased Phd's with experience in the field, and they are irrefutable. Undetonated traces of nano-thermite (along with the chemical traces consistent with a detonated nano-thermite reaction), HAVE BEEN found in dust collected from the immediate area at the time by residents, i.e. Within the first couple of weeks of the collapse. No one should accept this simply on the basis of a YouTube video to be sure, but if you look deeper and check out the paper and related published material, at the very least they raise an alarming question over the official verdict of what exactly happened that day.

So the residents went round "collecting dust" did they, strange behaviour in the event of such a shocking incident as I am sure most rational people would think " do you know what love something is not quite right here, I am off to get me some dust just in case some bonkers conspiracy theory crops up"
mcfcbird said:
zeusbheld said:
if a youtube video wherein *all* comments critical of the conclusions is your idea of proof, you might need to raise your standards a bit... you might need to raise your standards a lot actually.

incidentally if "peer reviewed" means "online vanity press" then yeah the 'research' was published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

believe what you want to believe i suppose, but imaginary rumors that we're signing Kaka and Tranny from Real are about as credible as this sad wankfest...

In actual fact the findings are sound, verified by at least four independent and unbiased Phd's with experience in the field, and they are irrefutable. Undetonated traces of nano-thermite (along with the chemical traces consistent with a detonated nano-thermite reaction), HAVE BEEN found in dust collected from the immediate area at the time by residents, i.e. Within the first couple of weeks of the collapse. No one should accept this simply on the basis of a YouTube video to be sure, but if you look deeper and check out the paper and related published material, at the very least they raise an alarming question over the official verdict of what exactly happened that day.

instead of recommending *i* look deeper, *you* might give it a try.

if you did, you'd know that Bentham Open journals are *not* recognized peer-reviewed scientific journals. they are a vanity press. *i* could say i have a phD (i don't) and publish just about anything i wanted there. if the findings are sound, why can't they find a real journal to publish them instead of a made-up one? or is that part of the conspiracy?
The pilots of the planes were extraordinary then to hit the towers in the exact place the explosives were stored.
I bet the bloke at the top of this picture pressed the trigger button

Wheres this third tower they speak off that fell down hours after?
It seems abit OTT for me, also can anyone else speak Dutch the subtitles could be completely different to what they are talking about
NQT said:
The pilots of the planes were extraordinary then to hit the towers in the exact place the explosives were stored.
I bet the bloke at the top of this picture pressed the trigger button

Of course they were.

They were given specialist training by CIA agents in Florida. The CIA agents then showed them exactly which floor the explosives were on in each tower and by a special technicque of aeronautic triangulation and thermodynamic calculus they were able to pin point to the very room on each floor where the explosives were. It has been shown the planes were fitted with speicalist radar guidance systems which were calibrated to the signal emitted by the explosives (which incidently were behind the water coolers and we all know what a great aid to signal transmission water is). This signal then guided them in, much in the way a tractor beam on a UFO would work.

This is why we cannot trust the government, religion and the so called free press.

And they weren't Muslims by the way. There is irrefutable proof they were Free Masons. This has not been widely reported and been hushed up by the Lodge masters. The conspirators bodies were recovered from Ground Zero (in order to remove the evidence I hasten to add) and each had a trouser leg rolled up with their left breast exposed. A fireman on site at the time witnessed this (he was also a PhD in Socio Economic Demography and so his word can be taken as gospel) and relayed the information to his lawyer.

Now this is the best part, when the Fireman (Chuck Kowalski - Google/Wikipedia him for further proof) began to reveal this information to his friends and colleagues, within 2 weeks, he had disappearred. His body was found one month later behind the wheel of a Pontiac Firebird which had careered of a bridge in Chappaquidick. And he didn't even own a Pontiac Firebird.

If this got out, there would be riots in the streets and so it gets swept under the carpet by the brooms and brushes of multinationalism and capitalism.

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