Unreacted Explosives Found in WTC Dust

sam the drummer said:
It seems abit OTT for me, also can anyone else speak Dutch the subtitles could be completely different to what they are talking about
Yeah, maybe someone who speaks dutch knows someone who speaks danish.
Although i firmly believe there is far more to 9/11 than simply a terrorist attack, this youtube video is ball locks. The way they are talking about it is unproffesional, and if it was true, it would worldwide breaking news, on the front covers of all the national papers etc etc.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqaQELT24RA&feature=rec-HM-rn" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqaQELT2 ... =rec-HM-rn</a>
As someone who knew one of the pilots killed in the 9/11 attacks, Might I suggest you all let sleeping dogs lie?

If ANYONE thinks there was a conspiracy led by the USA, then I think they are sorely mistaken. I know FOR A FACT that the pilot I knew was a patriot and a military man. I doubt very much he allowed his throat to be slit and his children to be fatherless as part of some conspiracy.

Thankfully, I was not flying that day, but for the FOUR flight crews that were and lost their lives at the actual hands of these murdering thugs, along with thousands of others, I would greatly respect it if you did not "play" with the facts of what happened.

An atrocious murderous plot, designed to kill thousands of people and directed at the world's financial center, was hatched in caves in Afghanistan and carried out by people who were, for all intents and purposes, "normalized members of a multicultural society" living under cover. These men learned enough to subvert US airport security procedures (because before this incident, people thought they needed to BRING a weapon to the aircraft, not USE THE AIRCRAFT as a weapon) and to fly aircraft into buildings. They were successful beyond their wildest dreams, although they could not get the Shanksville plane back to Washington because the passengers took matters into their own hands, so the US Congress Building is still standing.

What happened that day that will forever change world history, as it led (rightly or wrongly) to war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the raising of Al Qaeda to global prominence. The reverberations will, of course, be felt by our children and possibly our children's children. However, to suggest that somehow there is a conspiracy of silence or hidden facts behind this is absurd.

Now, go back to slamming Ronaldo and wishing Tevez was coming and commenting on whether the new Umbro kits are really Puma and trying to find out what is up with MJ?!
ChicagoBlue said:
As someone who knew one of the pilots killed in the 9/11 attacks, Might I suggest you all let sleeping dogs lie?

If ANYONE thinks there was a conspiracy led by the USA, then I think they are sorely mistaken. I know FOR A FACT that the pilot I knew was a patriot and a military man. I doubt very much he allowed his throat to be slit and his children to be fatherless as part of some conspiracy.

Thankfully, I was not flying that day, but for the FOUR flight crews that were and lost their lives at the actual hands of these murdering thugs, along with thousands of others, I would greatly respect it if you did not "play" with the facts of what happened.

An atrocious murderous plot, designed to kill thousands of people and directed at the world's financial center, was hatched in caves in Afghanistan and carried out by people who were, for all intents and purposes, "normalized members of a multicultural society" living under cover. These men learned enough to subvert US airport security procedures (because before this incident, people thought they needed to BRING a weapon to the aircraft, not USE THE AIRCRAFT as a weapon) and to fly aircraft into buildings. They were successful beyond their wildest dreams, although they could not get the Shanksville plane back to Washington because the passengers took matters into their own hands, so the US Congress Building is still standing.

What happened that day that will forever change world history, as it led (rightly or wrongly) to war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the raising of Al Qaeda to global prominence. The reverberations will, of course, be felt by our children and possibly our children's children. However, to suggest that somehow there is a conspiracy of silence or hidden facts behind this is absurd.

Now, go back to slamming Ronaldo and wishing Tevez was coming and commenting on whether the new Umbro kits are really Puma and trying to find out what is up with MJ?!

I'm with you on this CB. I find it offensive when people spout bullshit about conspiracy theories in relation to 9/11.
ChicagoBlue said:
As someone who knew one of the pilots killed in the 9/11 attacks, Might I suggest you all let sleeping dogs lie?

If ANYONE thinks there was a conspiracy led by the USA, then I think they are sorely mistaken. I know FOR A FACT that the pilot I knew was a patriot and a military man. I doubt very much he allowed his throat to be slit and his children to be fatherless as part of some conspiracy.

Thankfully, I was not flying that day, but for the FOUR flight crews that were and lost their lives at the actual hands of these murdering thugs, along with thousands of others, I would greatly respect it if you did not "play" with the facts of what happened.

An atrocious murderous plot, designed to kill thousands of people and directed at the world's financial center, was hatched in caves in Afghanistan and carried out by people who were, for all intents and purposes, "normalized members of a multicultural society" living under cover. These men learned enough to subvert US airport security procedures (because before this incident, people thought they needed to BRING a weapon to the aircraft, not USE THE AIRCRAFT as a weapon) and to fly aircraft into buildings. They were successful beyond their wildest dreams, although they could not get the Shanksville plane back to Washington because the passengers took matters into their own hands, so the US Congress Building is still standing.

What happened that day that will forever change world history, as it led (rightly or wrongly) to war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the raising of Al Qaeda to global prominence. The reverberations will, of course, be felt by our children and possibly our children's children. However, to suggest that somehow there is a conspiracy of silence or hidden facts behind this is absurd.

Now, go back to slamming Ronaldo and wishing Tevez was coming and commenting on whether the new Umbro kits are really Puma and trying to find out what is up with MJ?!

With all due respect CB, you should be asking if Jo is cup tied ;-)
No one here mentioned a 'conspiracy'. Simply just FACTS that explosions took place within the foundations of the WTC, witnessed by someone who was actually there.

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