Thought you'd be straight in there, PB! Nice side-step, I see.
The individuals concerned do not have to be Jewish to have a pro-Zionist agenda. It suits the likes of Murdoch to keep the highly oppressive and unjust world order as it is. Israel, the US and the grab for oil is a long tale done to death in Off Topic. PB and I politely disagree on most of these issues but there it is. Neither am I a fan of retrospection but I did point all this out in early September 2008 as it has been my life's experience that Islamophobia has been a constant in the West for around 15 centuries, and so it should all come as no surprise to you. I could say a few things about 'Arab' regimes but for many reasons, not least because of the beneficial support of ADUG, I don't want to. I then get slaughtered by very arrogant pro-atheists who don't seem to either (1) understand what I am saying or what I do/do not believe and (2) show a complete lack of respect for the club's owners who, thankfully, are unliklely to read their hate-filled drivel anyway.
The trouble is that, after a while debating with the learned PB, you can start to sound like him. You've been warned!