Update from Vicky Kloss on The Sunday Supplement Attack

Jealous bitter bastards.

I hope we ram their comments down their throats, absolute bile.
Read this thread with interest and whilst I am delighted club is obviously watching the anti City media I cannot help thinking that a softly softly approach will not work with these monkeys. It is clear that City had taken some action regarding the "Mancini in the stand lie" and that Beasley's arse was hanging out in the wind after his rant hence the apology and several personal emails.
Sorry but his snide apology is nowhere near enough - the club should have issued proceedings and tied all 4 of them in knots along with the crap organisations they work for as an example to rest of the press and broadcasters who have dipped in with tirades of their own.
So Ms Kloss stop pussyfooting around and get this lot, partcularly the oderous Smith wanker, tackled NDJ style!
brazilians hurt said:
Read this thread with interest and whilst I am delighted club is obviously watching the anti City media I cannot help thinking that a softly softly approach will not work with these monkeys. It is clear that City had taken some action regarding the "Mancini in the stand lie" and that Beasley's arse was hanging out in the wind after his rant hence the apology and several personal emails.
Sorry but his snide apology is nowhere near enough - the club should have issued proceedings and tied all 4 of them in knots along with the crap organisations they work for as an example to rest of the press and broadcasters who have dipped in with tirades of their own.
So Ms Kloss stop pussyfooting around and get this lot, partcularly the oderous Smith wanker, tackled NDJ style!

Yes I to would also love to see that twunt Smith,hung up by his bollocks.
If ever he shows his face at City,he may leave without the fuckers next time !!!
does anybody have a face to the legendary vicky kloss?

johnny crossan said:
just got this today:

Dear ***** and ******

I hope you are well. An update for you since my last note.

I have contacted all four journalists on Sunday Supplement this weekend and have received a full and unreserved apology from Rob Beasley on the phone and in writing , as he now recognises that Roberto Mancini wasn’t in the stands on the day in question. He is going to make the correction the next time he is on the show. I have also set up a meeting with Brian Woolnough for next week to discuss all matters relating to the football club, on and off the field as well as the structure here and in Abu Dhabi.

From a legal point of view, (and I consulted with our London based media lawyers on Sunday and again on Monday), technically a breach has taken place. Pragmatic legal advice however is that pursuit of this would be risky and potentially counter productive.

My view is that if the breach is corrected, it is better to influence and explain than to slap on a ban ( not that media organisations can be banned from the matches anyway. Bans can realistically only be applied to press conferences) In our situation, when we haven’t yet achieved on the pitch, it is far better to engage than to create even deeper rooted enemies, who, if they are so willing can step up their criticism to an even higher level.

This is not about mute acceptance of antagonistic and/or erroneous reporting. We have taken legal action on several occasions in the past few months in certain circumstances and will continue to do so when appropriate, however a longer term strategy is required when dealing with these matters as we try to inform slowly but surely, key figures in media, government and the football authorities.

I appreciate your contact. Please feel free to get in touch with the future about this or any other matter.

Best wishes

Vicky Kloss
Chief Communications Officer

good stuff Vicky
Morals? Decency? Class?

My dog's shit has more that Beasley and his sad excuse for a paper.

*Cough* HILLSBOROUGH *Cough*
Unprofessional by the hacks, but even more unprofessional by Vicky imo.

She should not be emailing any Tom, Dick or Harry re our tactics with the media and the email should not be put up for public consumption.

Very poor form from Vicky and the OP
Barntonblue said:
Unprofessional by the hacks, but even more unprofessional by Vicky imo.

She should not be emailing any Tom, Dick or Harry re our tactics with the media and the email should not be put up for public consumption.

Very poor form from Vicky and the OP

I made a similar comment on the first page of this thread but without your negativity. But then, you think Yaya's a tart and so I'll move on.
Barntonblue said:
Unprofessional by the hacks, but even more unprofessional by Vicky imo.

She should not be emailing any Tom, Dick or Harry re our tactics with the media and the email should not be put up for public consumption.

Very poor form from Vicky and the OP

I think it shows City are prepared to be open with their fans a transparency that should be applauded.
Barntonblue said:
Unprofessional by the hacks, but even more unprofessional by Vicky imo.
She should not be emailing any Tom, Dick or Harry re our tactics with the media and the email should not be put up for public consumption.
Very poor form from Vicky and the OP

I am neither a Tom, Dick or a Harry and Vicky would never write an email to a fan if she wasn't comfortable with its contents being made public and there's nothing she writes that she wouldn't be prepared to say to a journalist, member of the public or even the City Board of Directors!
johnny crossan said:
Barntonblue said:
Unprofessional by the hacks, but even more unprofessional by Vicky imo.
She should not be emailing any Tom, Dick or Harry re our tactics with the media and the email should not be put up for public consumption.
Very poor form from Vicky and the OP

I am neither a Tom, Dick or a Harry and Vicky would never write an email to a fan if she wasn't comfortable with its contents being made public and there's nothing she writes that she wouldn't be prepared to say to a journalist, member of the public or even the City Board of Directors!

Alright son, don't get your knickers in a twist<br /><br />-- Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:37 pm --<br /><br />
johnny crossan said:
Barntonblue said:
Unprofessional by the hacks, but even more unprofessional by Vicky imo.
She should not be emailing any Tom, Dick or Harry re our tactics with the media and the email should not be put up for public consumption.
Very poor form from Vicky and the OP

I am neither a Tom, Dick or a Harry and Vicky would never write an email to a fan if she wasn't comfortable with its contents being made public and there's nothing she writes that she wouldn't be prepared to say to a journalist, member of the public or even the City Board of Directors!

Alright son, don't get your knickers in a twist

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