Update on my dad.

Lost my Grandad this week, so I know how you a feeling with regards to worries etc. Great news that he is moving again.

Best wishes.
jimharri said:
C_T_I_D said:
Those who have been following the story will know of his previous 3 months in hospital with an absess on his pancreas resulting in 24 staples. His MRSA, CDIF. Yellow Jaunders, blood infection followed.

Anyway last Wednesday he was taken in with dehydration. He went to ward 31 from MAU. Now here is the interesting bit. He was on his way to the toilet walking unassisted after being refused help as the nurses were too busy to. HE FELL OVER!!! Despite requests for help they make him wait. Finally they get him back in bed, put a plaster on his cut and left him. A few days ago after being transferred from Tameside to Hope Hospital a doctor assessed him and informed us he has a broken neck.

It gets worse. He says he'll have the surgery ( some frame through skull ) but because he also has a chest infection he said on Friday he will detiriorate and die over the weekend cos he couldn't clear his chest. The family were in bits.

THE GOOD NEWS TODAY is he has full movement in his right arm and fingers, his left arm.
Sorry to hear about the shit your old man and your family are going through ATM. Brilliant news today though. My best wishes go to your dad.
He sounds hard as nails to keep going after all that. Good luck with his battle, doesn't sound like he's having the best of luck at the moment.

Keep on keeping on.

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