Urawa Red Diamonds (N) | CWC Semi-Final | Pre-Match Thread

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You're raging against a competition that doesn't exist and a competition that existed for decades.

We're playing 2 games over 3 or 4 days. Maybe in the future, FIFA will move it to a bigger once every-4-years event, but they've been trying for 4 years now and it's not happened yet because the clubs haven't signed off. So why are you getting worked up about a tournament that we're not in yet and has never happened?

At the same time, the cup you're reminiscing about was the TOYOTA Intercontinental cup, and was hosted in Tokyo - I don't know how to break it to you but it was because TOYOTA and Japan paid the most money, and the games kicked off at 7.10pm in Japan to maximise world audiences.

Oh and it wasn't a one off match! The first 20 had 2 legs and some went to a 3rd playoff leg.

Really which one of us is being awkward? The guy who's excited for a new competition for us to win, and happy for us to go through what every other club for the last 20 years has gone through, or the one who's getting mad at a potential future tournament, while forgetting the old version he liked was exactly like the new one he hates.

We've qualified for the first time, just enjoy it.
We have just suffered 2 years of covid. Not one minute of football was lost because every gready organisation still wanted their slice of the pie despite what affects it had on players.
England now play in competitions against Macedonia and Andorra because FIFA want even more money.
Uefa invent more and more games, an expanded Champs League and two lower comps just to keep the expenses, hotels and brown envelopes coming in.
Now Fifa, not happy with a corrupt world cup in winter want this stupid competition
Meanwhile deBruyne and other top footballers are saying enough is enough. Their bodies cannot take the constant demands.

So I ranted but then you come along saying how it's all lovely, even though you were factually wrong with its year of conception. I posted shortly after blacked out limos sailed past me whilst I had desperately searched for a bus hidden in a wasteland miles from humanity. That was 12.30am, I hadn't had a drink of anything since 5pm. I managed to get a tram and got to a bar at 2.30am. At 4.30am Blues were only just joining me after being stuck in a cattle truck for hours. I am seriously thinking of sacking Champs League matches of all descriptions after being treated like an animal, so the last thing I want to see is some bloated bent bastard inventing a competition to fill his trousers with even more money.
The players are saying enough is enough and so am I.
Greed is killing the game.
We've also qualified for the new expanded format starting from 2025 too. From then it will be every 4 years.

That will be a proper contest. Having it in this Confederations Cup format with one team from each continent is a bit closed.

Having FC Auckland in there is saying they are better than Barca because they are not in it, all because they didn't win the CL.
This competition started in 1960…
I thought it was 2000 if you're talking about FIFAs version.
Awkward as ever I see. Carry on.

But according to Wiki, you are wrong. It was formed in 2020
2000 is the FIFA tournament and 1960-2004 is the UEFA/COMNEBOL organised one off Intercontinental Cup game in Tokyo.

FIFA did a few years back declare all the winners of that retroactive world champions.
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