Urban Dictionary


cool, charming, suave, awesome with the women. a real tough guy. the second definition of alan.
A very nice man who likes to steal obese children from their homes at night, then making them lose weight before returning them back to their parents. Usually unscathed.
"Dude, Billy Jean got robbied last night."
"About time, he was such a fat ass. Hopefully he'll be able to move without needing that forklift when he gets back."

lol wtf
A good looking, intelligent, straight individual who is known for partying hard and getting all the ladies. His sexual escapades are legendary as is the size of his gigantic member. When he isn't womanizing, he can be seen hustling and performing the PacMan Jones raindance, in which he gets a stack of $100 bills and throws them in the air while the ladies dance around him/them. Only when he is out of money, may they pick it up.

Damnnn, that guy is one bad ass motherfucker, his name must be Darren!

I see their honesty.<br /><br />-- Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:27 pm --<br /><br />
schumey04 said:

cool, charming, suave, awesome with the women. a real tough guy. the second definition of alan.

What was wrong with the first definition? ehhh! :)
1. James
Someone who is un usually well hung. People with the name James are generally known for their good looks (especially the eyes) and women are just simply attracted to them.

"Oh Yeah, he's definately a James"

Scarily accurate :p lol
An extremely attractive girl whos flirty personality and curvacious figure will keep you coming back for more. She's typically a brunette but occasionally acts blonde. She enjoys long relationships and has many close guy friends. Often mistaken for a "slut" but really isn't. She can also be a super woman if you get onto her bad side.
"dude, i want to hang out with that girl, shes such an Amber"
5230 1479

1) A valuable gem.
2) Fossilised tree sap, sometimes contains preserved bugs.
3) A shade of Orange.
4) A girl's name. Coincidently, a nickname for the person who matters most to me....
I want to buy Amber an amber necklace :)
2023 506
1. girls name -currently 102nd most popular name in the US
2. a fossilised resin
3. an atractive -sometimes seen as provocative- but mainly meant to be a pretty girl
4. for all those people -usually girls- who don't fit into usual groups like punk, emo, goth etc, generally different but in a good way
1. Amber
2. I really like that amber necklace in the mall
3. omg, that girl is all amber
4. Seriously, shes one in a million, 100% bonofide amber
1481 417
A wonderful fun loveing person who always finds a way to berak the scilence in an okward moment. can be quiet but only when she wants to. DO NOT get on her bad side or you will experience the reall meaning of woman!!!!A smart beautiful yong woman.
mann i wais i could be an Amber
988 277
Vintage, nautical, style, fashion, timeless beauty.
The name Amber derives from Ancient Arabic times were Goddess Amber was an exquisite beauty. Her sense of stylability and vintage 'feel' was evident even in her teenage years. She is a timeless beauty that will never fade.

Man: "Omg look at her over there, shes soooo vintage she must be an Amber"
912 205

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