US Politics Thread

It has been but not by many, certainly not any biden supporting outlets

You can find it. It was a diary written while she was in rehab and it states she was hypersexuslised when she was young because she was molested and her dad took inappropriate showers with her.

It was confirmed in court it was her diary and the people behind the theft were convicted in April

Look it all up, it won't take you too long.
I've certainly heard about it but honestly assumed it was mere mud slinging because it hadn't been reported in the mainstream.

From what you now say it's quite disturbing if true.
Irrespective of the actual facts related to Biden’s daughter’s diary, along with his clumsy mistakes, there is little doubt that he will lose votes because of it.

The most important thing for the US and all its allies including ourselves is that Trump doesn’t get elected again. They surely can’t increase the risk of that happening by having Biden standing against him with a backdrop of media outlets implying he’s a senile paedo irrespective of the proven facts. Perception is as important as reality.

The Dems need to get their shit together and get someone younger and sharper in place to rip Trump to shreds.
I've certainly heard about it but honestly assumed it was mere mud slinging because it hadn't been reported in the mainstream.

From what you now say it's quite disturbing if true.

As far as I know, the diary was sold to a right-wing organisation. It was then leaked to a different right-wing organisation and images purporting to be of the diary were put online.

Ashley Biden has acknowledged the diary is hers, but does not appear to have confirmed that the specific images were real - this seems to be a major obstacle in being able to base anything on it. She did say that there was gross manipulation of the diary contents.

So, AFAIK, very few people know if there's any truth in it, as it's not been proven or disproven.
As far as I know, the diary was sold to a right-wing organisation. It was then leaked to a different right-wing organisation and images purporting to be of the diary were put online.

Ashley Biden has acknowledged the diary is hers, but does not appear to have confirmed that the specific images were real - this seems to be a major obstacle in being able to base anything on it. She did say that there was gross manipulation of the diary contents.

So, AFAIK, very few people know if there's any truth in it, as it's not been proven or disproven.
Thanks for clarifying. All sounds a bit of a mess.
As far as I know, the diary was sold to a right-wing organisation. It was then leaked to a different right-wing organisation and images purporting to be of the diary were put online.

Ashley Biden has acknowledged the diary is hers, but does not appear to have confirmed that the specific images were real - this seems to be a major obstacle in being able to base anything on it. She did say that there was gross manipulation of the diary contents.

So, AFAIK, very few people know if there's any truth in it, as it's not been proven or disproven.

The contents were real, it has been seen in court

As I said, it's really just comes down to whether you believe what she wrote is true or not

but the diary and the leaked contents of it from the people trying to sell it were real ....and that's why they have been convicted and found guilty.

People are strange though it's like they can't seem to say anything about Biden because it seems like they don't want to be seen to be supporting trump but this is not a case of Biden against Trump... it's a case of Biden seemingly doing inappropriate things with his daughter if you believe her diary, which is confirmed to be hers and has gone through a court case

people seem to want to deny it or not believe it just in case somehow trump look better in comparison, but it's not about trump, he's not in the equation when it comes to this matter
Well he's never had his daughter writing a diary that he took inappropriate showers with her or anything of the sort. Donald Trump did say his daughter is one of the most beautiful women in the world and you can make of that whatever you want but it's a hell of a lot different to his daughter writing in a diary that he took inappropriate showers with her, that she was molested and it's part of the reason she was hypersexuslised.

and how much of it is true regarding Biden is up to how much you believe his daughter

she admitted in court it was her diary, if you want to look it up there was a court case about her stolen property and the people that stole it were convicted in April.

so its confirmed it's her diary, so unless you think she's lying in her diary then it's true , but as I say, that's if you want to believe her or not.

but I don't understand why people have to come back with a trump comparison, you're allowed to criticize Biden without dragging trump into it and vice versa. I was pointing out that it seems Biden isn't a decent man whatsoever, that doesn't mean Trump is.
I mean there’s affidavits from a then 13 year old saying that she was raped by Trump and Epstein along with dozens of call back messages from Trump to Epstein.

Then there’s over a dozen women that say Trump sexually assaulted them. Theres one that’s won $400m from two jury’s that agreed with her claims she was raped by Trump.

Then we’ve got the fact that his wife refuses to touch him or be seen in public with him, same as his daughter and all of that is ignoring the fact he’s a 34x times convicted felon for breaking campaign laws when hushing up his affairs with a porn star whilst his wife was pregnant.

This all ignores the fact he’s quite literally a Russian agent, wants to effectively end democracy, claims he’s above all US laws and is a stark raving lunatic ****.

But yeah, they’re the same.
It has been but not by many, certainly not any biden supporting outlets

You can find it. It was a diary written while she was in rehab and it states she was hypersexuslised when she was young because she was molested and her dad took inappropriate showers with her.

It was confirmed in court it was her diary and the people behind the theft were convicted in April

Look it all up, it won't take you too long.
Just had a look and it says about having showers when she was a kid. The ‘inappropriate’ and something about somebody else’s house, sexualising, seem separate with the shower bit being an afterthought.

I can see why nobody published it, if the page I’ve just seen is the actual evidence.

Interesting that I had no issues bathing with my kids when they were younger, until a mate said that you could be classed as a paedo for doing so. I know I wasn’t but the very thought stopped me doing it going forward.

Probably need to do a little more research, I certainly can’t take that one liner as Biden being a paedo.
Thanks for clarifying. All sounds a bit of a mess.

There was no clarification, its someone trying to deflect the truth

the diary and the contents have been through a court case and verified it was hers and the people who stole it have been convicted. this is completely factual.

so it comes down to whether you believe her claims in her diary or not that's, it's that simple

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