US Politics Thread

I never did watch the clips. I'm glad I didn't, I knew it would be a shit show. What's amusing is every Biden supporter was shocked about his health. They had no clue, even when presented with videos of him wandering off, not finishing his sentences, turning his back on stage and staring into space etc.

Everyone is so focused on Trump they didn't even notice the downfall of the guy they want to vote for. I've never seen a group of voters talk more about the opposition then their own guy.

Americans, what can you say?
We are a work in progress...
You are delusional

Again, two million more people voted for Hillary than for Trump.

She lost the election because of the Electoral College, on the tiniest of margins at that.

She won the popular vote. That is not an opinion.
This is like claiming the team with more possession won a game over the team who scored more goals...

It's the silliest argument ever. The popular vote is not the basis for winning the election. The electoral college is.

A billion Californians voting to ramp up " possession count" is irrelevant. No one even campaigns in blue or red States. They campaign in purple States and that's where the election is won.

If the election was based on popular vote, the campaign strategy for all candidates will be different.

Yet people trot out this "nonsense" every election cycle.

You either win the election or you don't. If you score you swing. If you don't, you lose.
I like Gretchen Whitmer but I can't see any Dem. standing against Harris for the nomination. Too much guilt about race among white liberals & lefties (I'm one) for that to happen.
Identity is everything on the left. Only Mitchell Obama can replace Harris
So you’ve successfully argued my point, well done.

This is why no one takes you seriously any more.
You'd be shocked how many do and don't take you seriously.

Don't led the loudnessof your crew fool you. Most just don't wanna be bothered with your group think.

I on the other hand, love the punishment and abuse.
You'd be shocked how many do and don't take you seriously.

Don't led the loudnessof your crew fool you. Most just don't wanna be bothered with your group think.

I on the other hand, love the punishment and abuse.
Yes, you are a free thinker that everyone admires and respects.
Not posting Elon Musk’s dangerous antisemitic, misogynistic, racist, fascist, white nationalist, Trump-loving nonsense would cause this to be an echo chamber?

Next you’ll be saying it’s an echo chamber because people don’t post long passages from Mein Kampf every day.

I think you need to read about the paradox of tolerance, mate.
Pot meet kettle.

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