US Politics Thread

Republicans saying Biden should step down now. I wonder if that wouldn't be a good idea for the Democrats. Harris may be more likely to be elected if people have had months of being used to her as president already.
She needs to be able to run a two year campaign in four months. She can’t do that and learn how to be President too. Republicans want a single lightning rod to focus their attacks upon so they want Biden out of the way now. All the more reason he should have announced he wasn’t running after the midterms but anyway.
No, I don’t think it changes the odds unless she can get young people and the base out and I’m not sure yet. All I know is that it makes Trump looks stronger which re-energiz(s)es his base and helps ensure MAGA shows up. And now he’s running against a newbie with no executive track record to lean on (or rather that will be the narrative).

I’m more concerned about how Biden stepping down makes Trump look good than how it makes Democrats look bad.
One of the rare cases where our opinions diverge and I hope I’m right and expect you also hope I’m right.
Milquetoast, low energy, almost apolitical, behind the scenes, high quality individual.

The two things he certainly does NOT do is look like an obvious choice because he absolutely doesn’t scream presidential!

That’s really interesting, as from an international perspective he is the guy in the US government who comes across as serious, intelligent and capable. Particularly in the way he’s managed the Ukraine and Gaza situations.

To international observers US politics is frankly quite absurd (and I say this as a Brit, we’ve had our own problems). Blinken - a bit like Kier Starmer I guess - seems like the quiet clever “grown up in the room”.

I’d have him over Trump, Biden or Harris anyway.
Oof, good question. I think it'll ultimately be a boring, non-controversial white guy. So I could very quickly eat my own words because Shapiro fits that bill. The 2 that seem to be picking up steam are the governors of Kentucky (Andy Bashear) and North Carolina (Roy Cooper). Also Mark Kelly from Arizona. They're all fairly centrist and have won in Republican leaning or "purple" states which should theoretically help in the battleground states.

I can't see them pairing someone from the same state (California, so Newsome or someone of that ilk) or - and as stupid as this sounds and I absolutely hate that this may play into it - another woman (Whitmer), someone of color (Wes Moore from Baltimore who received some fanfare after the bridge fiasco) or Buttigieg, because he is gay and unfortunately doesn't poll well with some key demographics the dems will need to win. Which is a bummer because I'd prefer someone younger and exciting with good ideas, which I think Moore and Buttigieg generally are.
The biggest surprise for me is that KY and NC have Democrat governors.

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