US Politics Thread

Again, you post lies and expect to get away with it.

I know you’ll never acknowledge that you are wrong, so I am posting this for the benefit of others that may be reading your Trumpesque nonsense.

Got it. He was a member who later apologized. So I guess it's all good. Such a forgiving people you are.

"Byrd later renounced his membership to the organization,"

Again, where is the lie. He wasnt some young minded child who got roped into some bad things.

He organized men for this purpose. Joined politics at the behest and the support of his regional Racist in Chief.

But hey, let's erase all that with a milktoast " he later renounced his membership and felt bad." I'm sure all the black people he helped abuse and possibly murder are all happy with it.

Again, it only a 'left minded' person that can find the absence of racism in that. Laughable.
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There does seem to be an obsession on here about US politics. Over 1750 pages, and counting.

By the way; back pages are generally about sport!
That ‘obsession’ pleases me. US politics at the mo is incredibly important to UK and the whole of the western world, so sharp is the divide between Trump’s Maga cult and the Democrats.

This doesn’t even have him repeatedly referring to Letitia James as “peekaboo”. Probably the most overtly racist thing he does, despite the competition.

Like… he might as well just come out calling her the N word with a hard R at that point. He’s literally just taking a slur and swapping letters out.

It’s like somebody calling a person from China a “jinky” and thinking it’s all fine because at least they’re being inventive with their very direct racism.
Kamala supporting the college atheletes at the white house , she is very good , i think she can win against the orange racist
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Now, are you knowingly repeating the debunked falsehood that Byrd was a KKK Grand Wizard? He was in the KKK in his 20s. He regretted it, served in the Senate for decades and was a "mentor" to many others. President Biden spoke at his memorial and said,

Of course, Robert Byrd was a deeply religious man, a Christian. And so he understood that our lives are marked by sins as well as virtues, failures as well as success, weakness as well as strength. We know there are things he said -- and things he did -- that he came to regret. I remember talking about that the first time I visited with him. He said, “There are things I regretted in my youth. You may know that.” And I said, “None of us are absent some regrets, Senator. That’s why we enjoy and seek the grace of God.”

Now, do you accept that what you posted was just wrong?

Can we just acknowledge how insane this conversation is?

Dax hates Biden and brands him as a racist because a man he worked under 40 years ago, a man who was born in 1917 and died 15 years ago was a reformed racist.

So he’s instead supporting an openly racist candidate.

It’s all bullshit. He doesn’t give a fuck about racism, because if he did, he’d die before voting for Donald Trump.
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Got it. He was a member who later apologized. So I guess it's all good. Such a forgiving people you are.

"Byrd later renounced his membership to the organization,"

Again, where is the lie. He wasnt some young minded child who got roped into some bad things.

He organized men for this purpose. Joined politics at the behest and the support of his regional Racist in Chief.

But hey, let's erase all that with a milktoast " he later renounced his membership and felt bad." I'm sure all the black people he helped abuse and possibly murder are all happy with it.

Again, it only a 'left minded' person that can find the absence of racism in that. Laughable.
This is the most intellectually dishonest post you have made in some time, and that is saying something.

You posted long debunked nonsense, were called out for it, and then responded by shouting “that’s lefty fact-checking” and then proceeded to say someone who renounced his membership in the KKK and said many times he deeply regretted his involvement, is somehow the same as David Duke. As if no one can ever change their views and try to make things right.

David Duke, for anyone still following along, is still a fervent white nationalist and ACTUAL former Grand Wizard of the KKK, who is a longtime ally of Donald Trump and to this day makes the claim that he and his white nationalist lunatics were the primary reason Trump won the presidency in 2016.

To be clear: Byrd and Duke are not in anyway the same.
And here are the ones who think they are on the right side.

No one tried to murder the Vice President or leading Democrat.

No police officer was murdered on October 6th.

Should we now recognize you as a dishonest, despicable piece of shit who endorsed a rapist Biden? Or does that only apply in one direction?

Calling October 6th s legitimate objections is simply a difference in opinion. There was no intent to murder anyone. Most of those who have been convicted entered the premises peacefully.

Only 1 person died on October 6th. A protestor who was shot by a trigger happy cop. There were zero cops killed by protesters. Zero.

Stacy Abrams denied multiple election results in Georgia, but this never stopped her from being a rockstar analyst on MSNBC. I guess denying election is only bad sometimes.

As for Micheal Steele, he was there before it became a loony pit like this place. And there is little about Steele that's conservative or Republican. What's next Anna Navarro and Joe Scarborough?

MSNBC is where sold out Republicans go to make money sounding like far left Democrat.

There are no conservatives on MSNBC. Leftists, and losers who have sold their soul attacking everything they stood for when they were actual politicians for money and likes.

That's MSNBC...

On the planet you live on ... does October replace January ?
Here’s the lie for you -

See that, that sentence right there? It’s you lying, again.
I and a few others have already shown he lied but he’ll never admit. His response is to say it is just “that’s lefty fact checking” and that Byrd and Duke are the same, and so Biden and Trump are the same.

He is beyond reason at this point. I am disengaging with him (again).

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