US Politics Thread

Republicans on dodgy ground now, accusing Harris of covering up Biden's mental decline - and that it's really she who's been running the country! (So getting the experience...)

And if a Republican says this? "Why are you covering up for Trump's obvious signs of decline like slurring words?"
Far more dangerous than that is:

1) The death of choice for the underprivileged, who will be denied access.

2) The Christian Nationalist curriculum that will become the norm.

The education system will be used to undercut equality in education, which is a failing goal already and should be addressed not exacerbated, and generate an ever-widening Christian Nationalist “educated” (gilded) class and an even broader, poor white and minority underclass.

This will be done by taking current tax dollars proscribed for education (thus, The State) and funneling them to private (religious) institutions.

This is/was considered UNCONSTITUTIONAL, but if challenged under this SCOTUS, will be affirmed, and thus codified into American law!

Therefore, they’ll have created a work around to the “separation of church and state” (which is actually a paraphrase meaning something else, in reality) and will elicit a whole series of religion-based initiatives using government monies…with CHRISTIANITY being the (almost?) sole beneficiary of such actions.

Alabama just passed a law saying the Ten Commandments has to be displayed in every classroom. This has already elicited a lawsuit by 7 parents. This fight will end up at SCOTUS soon and “Voila!” they’ll have their SCOTUS ruling on church and state.

It’s hard to believe this current SCOTUS will not uphold the Alabama ruling, probably by saying the State is free to do as they please, as long as they don’t use federal dollars, or some such bollocks!
I cannot ‘like’ this post enough.
It’s coming!
Trouble is, a lot of the people it affects are those who are on the trump ride or die bus.

Poor and ethnic areas are going to lose social income, health care and now education. Thats before you even get in to the abortion and contraception regulations. Its criminal. "But hey, it has to be the fault of those woke libs in NY and CA. Trump is one of us".
That’s really interesting - amongst politicos outside the U.S. he’s probably the most well known figure who isn’t Trump, Biden or Harris.

Really well respected by many people here in the UK. Comes across as “the grownup in the room” when much of American politics is seen as very crass.
It’s the reason we send smart people overseas as our Secretary of State!! We want the rest of the world to think we are smart!!

I’ve said Buttigieg should be promoted to SoS when Blinken leaves (most go when their President goes, or they get burned out by the global conflicts keeping them awake all night on airplanes!), as not only is he wicked smart, he doesn’t bare fools easily, has a sharp tongue when needed, has served in the military and is an openly gay man.

It’s about time the U.S. projected its actual reality to the world, rather than the “World’s Strongest Man!” chest beater meme!

The ACTUAL toughest guy in the room is trying to blend in, not draw attention to himself. He doesn’t need the attention, but when called upon he not only carries a big stick, but knows how to use it!
Far more dangerous than that is:

1) The death of choice for the underprivileged, who will be denied access.

2) The Christian Nationalist curriculum that will become the norm.

The education system will be used to undercut equality in education, which is a failing goal already and should be addressed not exacerbated, and generate an ever-widening Christian Nationalist “educated” (gilded) class and an even broader, poor white and minority underclass.

This will be done by taking current tax dollars proscribed for education (thus, The State) and funneling them to private (religious) institutions.

This is/was considered UNCONSTITUTIONAL, but if challenged under this SCOTUS, will be affirmed, and thus codified into American law!

Therefore, they’ll have created a work around to the “separation of church and state” (which is actually a paraphrase meaning something else, in reality) and will elicit a whole series of religion-based initiatives using government monies…with CHRISTIANITY being the (almost?) sole beneficiary of such actions.

Alabama just passed a law saying the Ten Commandments has to be displayed in every classroom. This has already elicited a lawsuit by 7 parents. This fight will end up at SCOTUS soon and “Voila!” they’ll have their SCOTUS ruling on church and state.

It’s hard to believe this current SCOTUS will not uphold the Alabama ruling, probably by saying the State is free to do as they please, as long as they don’t use federal dollars, or some such bollocks!
The destruction of public education, to ensure an ignorant, gullible, compliant citizenry has long, long been the dream of the ultra-conservative and far-right in the US, even beyond the Christian white nationalist aspirations of a theocratic educational model.

In many ways, “woke” is as much a slur against the “well-educated” as it is “liberals” for this reason. Just listen to anytime Desantis uses it for an example of that nuance. The irony abounds there, as well, given he attended Yale, and later Harvard Law; but that is because it is all about being “educated” the way the Christian white nationalist oligarchs want you to be “educated”.

But, as you and I have said many times recently, the MAGA-takeover of the Supreme Court may actually allow them to finally realise their vision.

One of so many reasons Harris must defeat Trump.

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